Monday, September 01, 2008

The LuLac Edition #559, Sept. 1st, 2008



Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant. She is not married. The family says they will support her in having the baby. They tell us she will marry the father of the child. We wish the teenager and the unborn child she is carrying to term good health and sustaining support from family and friends.

That said, it is hysterical to me how the GOP, the party of family values has spun this today. Sarah Palin's leadership is now being touted because "you can tell a lot about a person in how they handle adversity". "She is courageous because the child is bringing the baby to term". Sarah Palin has only one thing to do with this and it is not about adversity or courage, it's about parenting. And if this was not a planned pregnacy, then I say somewhere along the line she failed. And I am not one of those vicious liberal bloggers. I'm a guy who is just trying to call it as I see it. Alaska ranks 23rd in teen pregnancies, nationally between 2005 and 2006, preliminary data suggest that birth rates have risen approximately three percent. The U.S. teen birth rate remains notably higher than the rates in other industrialized countries. If I were a parent, even as an uncle, I stressed the importance of making a right decision. Did Sarah Palin? Or was she too busy selling a plane on EBAY?
Some of the GOP are saying that this happens in a lot of American families. Well, I just don't want "any" American family leading or trying to inspire me or worse yet, trying to impose morality on me! Can you all imagine if Chelsea Clinton got pregnant? Ravin' Rush would've had three heart attacks jumping for joy over that one. I fear that this story will intensify the feeling that it is cool to be a teen parent. It appears to me that it can be used as an excuse for that type of careless sexual behavior.
Teenage pregnancy has become an accepted norm. Girls get knocked up and mom and dad raise the kid after raising one family. In our newspapers and on TV, the first baby of the year is celebrated and nine times out of ten, mom and dad aren't hitched. It's a way of life. I won't make a judgement and say it's a decline in morality because it's none of my business to say so. But I don't want any Republican talking to me about family values and how they have them but the Democrats don't. Don't forget, this is the same party that went nuts in the 90s when a TV character named Murphy Brown had a baby as a single mother. They cried about the decline in values and that only the GOP can point that out. To the GOP and the right wingers out there, don't dare impose your moral superority over my party when the teenage daughter of your Vice Presidential nominee has lived up to Jesse Jackson's applause line, "We can't have babies having babies in America".
And now a little music from one of my favorite singers, Mr. Paul Anka.


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to figure out your political ideology and philiosophy. Liberal? I dunno. Certainly not conservative. Socialist? No, that's way too extreme. I'm thinking Libertarian semi compassionate, middle of the road facist.

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry on this one there should be not comment. this is about the behavior of a minor child, brought to light by liberal bloggers disgracefully claiming that the governor's own child was really not hers. if the pics are accurate the Palin's were not trying to hide this and Sarah Palin didn't do a Clinton and lie or evade. she faced it head on.
and while you may not be a liberal blogger you have sunk to their level.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Do you REALLY think they failed as parents because the daughter is pregnant? A parent can only give so much advice or teaching, and a teen will usually only heed it to a point. What was she suppposed to do, sit between her daughter's legs and guard her virtue and everything else? I don't think you would think your parents failed because of any of your actions in life! (Or maybe you do). Apparently you've made the "right" decisions in your liftime. That would not have given your parents the ability to qualify or not qualilfy for a hypothetical office if they were in that boat. You don't want anyone trying to impose moralit on you, try practicing what you preach my man. I love how people with a captive audience or their own blog can shove their beliefs and ideals down everyone else's throats. Poor, poor, writing. Be careful when pointing that finger!

At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I think you're way off base on this one except for one fact,this is the party that is against gay marriage, it is the party that demonized Bill Clinton and Hillary even though they stuck to their marriage commitments while all the other GOP contenders except Romney had more wives and exs than a sultan and this was the same group that as Dave pointed out went over the edge when a fictional character had a baby on TV. The GOP should just pipe down about how much they know about family values. Keep that birth control and sex education out of the schools and this is what you get. The kid should not be brought into this and Dave that video was totally stupid.

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a great tendency to be one of the best writers and have made this blog site one of the best and entertaining in the state. But on this issue, this edition #559, YOU MY FRIEND ARE NOT ONLY AN IDIOT, YOU MY FRIEND NOT ONLY ARE THE KING OF THE IDIOTS, YOU ARE THE FREAKING EMPEROR OF THE IDIOTS!!!!!!

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flame on, Dave!! Guess you hit a sore spot. I still can't figure out what McCain is up to with this pick. Was she not vetted out? Does he figure the Dems will be scared to go after her? She is truly a novice- Barrock is like an elder statesman next to her, and talk about being one heartbeat away! Scary when you think about it...

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

634pm. Obama an elder statesmen? C'mon, the woman has two years statewide governing experience. It is clear that you and Dave have drunk the Obama Koolaid. And Dave, once a kid walks out the door, the parents have no control over any decision wise or not they maKE. Or did you not make any mistakes in your life? If not, you're making a doozey with this one.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good example of the success of the just say no to sex birth control plan. Its none of my business until the woman became the GOP VP Nominee. Then everything changes and the family values party has to answer for itself. I'll go a step further. A woman/mother with a four month old child belongs with that child for as much of the early years as possible. My wife went back to work in six weeks because it was economically necessary. Otherwise wild horses couldnt have torn her away from our child. Clearly Ms Palins priotities are somewhat different and she has that right and certainly the child will get the best of care, but there is something about Mom not being around that disturbs me and always will. Especially when its by choice! We may be outnumbered on this one, but I'm with you, Dave.

Taylor Jack

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Barry O'Connell said...

That was a really nice video. Thanks!

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's a pro life song. Maybe you can ask your buddy Shadoe Steele to ask Paul Anka whether that's the case.

At 7:05 AM, Blogger sexyfemalemuscle said...

Wow Taylor Jack what a sexist comment. I would be willing to bet that if McCain Palin wins, Mr. Palin will move with the family to D.C. and I think he will be able to pitch in and help take care of the family. Or isn't that a man's job. Go back to the 1800's please.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess Obama is a bad father for leaving his kids behind for the campaign trail. Oh, forget that, that only applies to women pursuing a career.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the song, it's pro choice:
"Didn't have to keep it, wouldn't put you through it....."
Paul Anka, that little CanAdian is simply sublime!!

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once a child leaves home for the first time to enter pre-school or kindergarten, the influence of the parents begins to wane. It doesn't disappear and it is always terribly important, but the truth is peer influence begins early. By the time a teen begins dating, parents have done all they can hope to do to ensure the kids make smart decisions. However, as it is now, has always been and always will be, when two cases of raging teen hormones get together, all bets are off and sex will be had!

Think back to those years. True, not everyone was having sex, but a whole lot of my friends were, and we went to a local parochial school. In my small class of 60, there were two unplanned pregnancy that I knew of before graduation and at least one more shortly afterwards. All three couples wed. Two are still married.

Let's not pretend it doesn't happen in the best of families. And guys, let's not pretend you used birth control at that age.

And author, what were you up to when you were 14 or so? Anything that your parents were responsible for that you'd care to share with us?

I won't even comment on the idea that moms should always be there for there kids. Someone already pointed out that such a statement is never made about male politicos. Besides, who's to say Ms Palin wouldn't have the baby in or office or nearby? My mother worked while I was growing up and I turned out okay.

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A woman with a four month old disabled child should be at home. A woman with less experience than Mayor Doherty should not be a step away from the Presidency. A woman with five kids has an obvious responsibility to her family VALUES!!!
Clearly Big Mac didn’t know the lady at all. Simply a case of get me a broad!

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I worked nights and stayed home during the day with our child from the time he was born until he was 5 and started school. His Mom had the better job it was that simple. That in response to the writer who said Taylor Jack was a sexist and should go back to the 1800s. Ive played second fiddle economically and stayed at home with the kid and loved it all! I'm no sexist, Lady! By the way, the young man turned out pretty well. We would have had more kids but couldnt afford em unlike many who have em anyway for someone else to care for and pay for so get on me about that remark too if you wish. I will always say parenting was the most important job of my life! We worked at it very hard. We also have kept the marriage together for almost 40 years via mutual respect.

Taylor Jack

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an extraordinary person David! Your striving for better bthings after your accident inspires us all. Your writing in terms of politics and pop culture on your site is better and more entertaing than most newspapers. Your matter of fact disclosure of your cancer was not only funny, but factual and a learning experience for us all. But this time my dear, you are way off base. Smarten up *** hole.


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