Saturday, January 10, 2009

The LuLac Edition #690, Jan. 10h, 2009

PHOTO INDEX: Wilkes Barre Mayor Tom Leighton, The Margery Scranton Council of Republican Women of Lackawanna County “Celebrating 10 years” Front Row Seating: Joyce Grant, Bradford County, President of PA Federation of Republican women; Karen Lilik, Clarks Summit, outgoing president; Barbara Davenport, Dunmore, 2009-10 president; Ursula Fox, Bradford County, Officer PA Federation of Republican Women; Back Row: Fran Francis, Olyphant, Treasurer; Kim DeMatteo-MacDonald, Olyphant, Corresponding Secretary; Tanya Callaway Crews, Clarks Summit, Recording Secretary and PA Federation State Officer; Kelly Ann Walsh, Scranton, Second Vice president; and Aida Velez, La Plume, first vice president. Absent from Photo is Michelle Mancuso, Dunmore, Assistant Treasurer. Bottom Photo: Honoring outgoing president Karen L. Lilik, Clarks Summit; center, is Tanya Callaway Crews, Clarks Summit (Left) and Kim DeMatteo-MacDonald, Olyphant (right). PHOTOS CLICK ONCE TO ENLARGE.


Lackawanna County's GOP Women's organization seems to be doing something right these days. 10 years ago, several women came together for form the Margery Scranton Council of Republican Women. The late Mary Dippre was the founding member according to Rose Ann Gaetano. Mary was the person that can be credited for bring back the republican women’s group in Lackawanna County. The Margery Scranton Council of Republican Women was name after the mother of former Governor William Scranton. “Mother would have loved it,” stated former governor William Scranton. “The work she and her women did was the joy of her life.” He thanked the group for honoring her. The Margery Scranton Council has participated in many activities over the years. They participated in campaign activities for local, state and national candidates, conducted campaign workshops, honored women in the community and took part in several community service projects. One of the group’s signature event is to honor a women of achievement in March as part of Women’s History Month. In the words of Rose Ann Gaetano, founding member “In politics if you want something said ask a man, if you want something done ask a women. Lets not forget the five W’s when women work we win.” She also made note that under republican leadership in county government there were more women heading departments than any time in Lackawanna County’s history. The group is a member of Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women and is also active in the National Federation of Republican Women Organization. The officers for the 2009-10 are: President - Barbara Davenport 1st Vice President - Aida Velez 2nd VP - Kelly Ann Walsh Corresponding Secretary - Kim DeMatteo-MacDonald Recording Secretary - Tanya Crews Treasurer - Fran Francis Assistant Treasurer - Michelle Mancuso.


Wednesday January 14th at 4PM on the fourth floor of Wilkes Barre City Hall a public hearing will be held on CDBG, (Community Development Block Grants). ESG, Emergency Shelter Grants, and HIPG, Home Investment Partnership Grant. The meeting is open to the public and anyone needing special accommodations can contact Christine Jensen at 570-208-4111.


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