Wednesday, February 05, 2014

The LuLac Edition #2595, February 5th, 2014

Our “Write On Wednesday” logo.



This week marks the 50th anniversary that the Beatles came to America. It was called “The British Invasion” and it changed American music, pop culture and our social systems forever.
America was in the doldrums in early 1964. The country was recovering from the killing of our President. I always felt that the death of Kennedy hid the growing discontent in the country. In the summer before JFK’s death, we were busting at the seams divided by race, gender and class. His death hit everyone and for a few weeks we were united in grief and shock.
Then the Beatles arrived. And they gave America’s youth permission to let loose. They gave American parents the chance to reassert their controls for a brief while before everything broke wide open over Vietnam.
The Beatles weren’t just about music but a way we thought and perceived ourselves. For Today’s “Write On Wednesday”, I’m sharing with you an e mail I received from one of my grade school buddies, Drew Wasko, he of the famous Wasko Brothers, Bob and Drew of Dupont and lately of Endwel/Binghamton New York. 

Me and the Wasko Brothers circa '67. (Photo: LuLac archives).
What Drew wrote was short, passionate and full of fun. Just like the run of the Fab Four that begin fifty years ago this week.
Hey Yonkstur,
I still vividly remember that night, as I'm sure you do. We did stay on top of things that concerned music. I have to thank those nuns for drilling music into us. As a fourth grader in our beloved St John the Baptist, we did our fair share of music. A way of life w/ the Catholic church. Everyone was in chorus; we all had to sing @ 730 mass each morning. So when the John, Paul, Ringo & George took the US by storm, we were not only swept up but plowed under by the magic the Beatles brought us that night. The very next day we ditched the Brylecreme washed our hair with Prell, and let it fly! The rest is history. It's been 50 years but I still get the chills listening to I Saw Her Standing There!

I've been playing Beatles' mixes all week, their music will never be old to us!
And this one I pop in whenever I'm having a horrible day. Takes everything away and puts a smile on the face. Has to be the drums.


At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has to be the drums.

It's ALWAYS the drums Yonk.

"Drums must never stop!"

U Kno Who

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous pat fadden said...

The Beatles transcend generations. My three adult daughters and grandson are fans. The Fab Four energy has carried on. And, though I will be reaching the WHEN I'M 64 stage soon, their legend carries on for me.


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