Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The LuLac Edition #4,080, May 29th, 2019


Our “Write On Wednesday” logo
Last week’s editorial from the Citizens’ Voice takes on the issues facing our election system not only here in LuLac land but in the state. A good read for today’s “Write On” feature.


Except for the cost of inefficient governance, there is nothing like a local primary election to expose Pennsylvania’s cumbersome system of local government, including the primary election rules.
The most obvious problem is the biggest: Pennsylvania has far too many units of local government — so many that there are never enough candidates to fill all of the available seats. Tuesday, Pennsylvanians cast Republican and Democratic nominating votes for offices of more than 2,500 local governments — offices that are supported by another 2,500 or so authorities, boards and commissions. Hundreds of those elected offices will remain vacant after the election, for lack of candidates. Yet there is no movement at the Capitol to force government mergers to improve efficiency and, in growing numbers of places, actual representation.
Meanwhile, 1.3 million voters were disenfranchised Tuesday because they are not registered with either major party. Allowing them to vote would improve the quality of campaigns, elections and governance because it would force candidates to address issues, rather than party matters, in quest of independents’ support.
And, once again last Tuesday, the nonsensical practice of “cross-filing” was in play. Under the naïve theory that school board elections should not be political, the law allows school board candidates to file for Republican and Democratic nominations. In practice, many candidates wrap up their elections six months before the general election, when more voters pay attention. Moreover, party affiliation is especially relevant regarding public education, funding for which is one of the most contentious political issues. Voters should have the right to know whether candidates stand on the right or left on that matter; instead, cross-filing allows candidates to masquerade as being neutral. The Legislature should end the practice.
Likewise, many candidates seek a nomination while conducting a write-in campaign for the opposite party’s nomination. That defies the purpose of the primary process, confuses voters and shifts the focus of elections from serving voters’ wishes to serving candidates’ desires.
Lawmakers should ensure that voters are presented with straightforward choices in primary elections, which should be open to all voters. Combining that with streamlined local government would produce better governance at less cost.


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