Sunday, June 02, 2019

The LuLac Edition #4,083, June 2nd, 2019


Our "Maybe I'm Amazed" logo.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….a former member of the Trump campaigns Hispanic outreach program posited that the President could even win re-election against a combined ticket of Jesus and Mary.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…that Trump shaped Ecstasy pills were seized by the Indiana State Police.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…a self educated rocket scientist named Michael Hughes blasted himself 1875 feet into the air to attempt the earth is flat.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that as a Publicity stunt at an electronics show in Vegas, (where else?) The Sapphire Gentlemen Club featured pole dancing robots. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED......that the President is once more talking tariffs and this time with Mexico. My heavens, just wait until the cost of imports from that country goes up. Look for Trump to pull back on that one when he finds out it will wreck his economy. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED......that those calling for Impeachment might want to rethink their opinions. This is exactly what Trump wants. What the Congress should do is investigate and then file a report to the country. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED....that CBS This Morning is trying once more to get competitive with both ABC and NBC in the morning sweepstakes. Like other attempts, the Gayle King experiment won't cut it. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED.....that the Phillies have yet to realize that even with Harper, they need pitching. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED......that after still another shooting, this time in Virginia Beach, there seems to be an acceptance that this will happen over and over again. For me, Sandy Hook was the deal breaker. Sad to say, nothing will change on this. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED.....but not realty that Robert Mueller's comments came too late. His message was defined and whatever he said was too little, too late, too vague. 


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