Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The LuLac Edition #4,096, June 25th, 2019


It was a beautiful summer Sunday. It was a day that if L.A.. Tarone was his usual self, we’d both be rattling off songs with the title summer and Sunday in them. I can imagine we’d be arguing about the labels those songs were on but never the year. But on this day, L.A. Tarone was dying. He left us at around 7pm June 25th 2017 and the world of his friends has never been the same. His place has been taken by people who never met him. They say nice things about him but it is his listeners that will always hold him close to their heart.
L.A. never had a complicated relationship with the English language. He pretty much told you everything that was on his mind. And if you missed it, he’d tell it to you a little bit louder.
His farewell in the latter part of June ’17 was a tribute to his career and his abilities. His talent was evident to all and his public persona was that of bluster, authoritative commentary and righteous indignation. But the private guy was a sweetheart. If you were sick, he’d empathize. If you were depressed he’d try to make you laugh. If you were a young person starting out in his field, he’d give you a break. If you were an old veteran away from the action, he’d take you on as he did with me. He’d go after  you on tooth and nail on the air but in an icy parking lot get you to your car.
There are a few who never met him and have to get an explanation of what he meant to local broadcasting. But for many others he is still in our hearts and minds. He pops into my mind like he used to when he’d be rushing into the WYLN Studio. He comes out of the blue when I least expect it. It helps with the void.
It’s 2 years today and I was thinking of a song that would sum up the feelings of all the people who loved him and still do.Those remembering him and missing him. We all have a piece missing.
The best I could do was Dylan’s “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go”. Somewhere L.A. is saying, “Yonki, is that the best you could do?”
Yep. I’m sure you’ll take it up with me when we meet again. But in the meantime pal…missing you every day.


At 6:59 AM, Blogger Maxieb said...

He was truly a very unique,extremely intelligent, and a very talented individual. His knowledge of sports, especially baseball, was extraordinary. We disagreed on a number of baseball issue, espeicially his opinion of Barry Bonds, but I always respected his postions and opinions.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very nice tribute. It seems, besides Freddie, WILK has kind of forgotten about LA :(


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