Thursday, May 07, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,285, May 7th, 2020


Former Representative and current Democratic candidate in the 116th Todd Eachus and your blog editor at event earlier in the year. (Photo: Video Innovations)

On April 7, 2020 State Rep Tarah Toohil praised Cargill and other industrial leaders for hitting the pause button to allow workers to stay home to flatten the curve. Just 8 days later, on April 15, Rep Toohil voted in support of SB613, calling for the reopening of Pennsylvania's businesses on the 21st of April. This now vetoed legislation would have negated Hazleton Mayor Cusat’s curfew order and opened businesses in the heavily impacted Hazleton area. The vote for SB613 came less than a week after 164 Cargill employees working in Hazleton tested positive for COVID-19. While Toohil has praised Cargill for closing just days earlier, she then put business interests before the protection of our workforce by supporting SB613. It’s difficult to reconcile the support of industry closures, but then with a vote just days later, call for sweeping legislation that would have forced the reopening of all PA businesses as specified under SB613. Is this good public health policy? No. Bad vote and worse idea. We have all made sacrifices to keep our communities and frontline workers safe, we’re eagerly awaiting the day that we’re able to reopen businesses and get back to worklife. Without mass testing capabilities to make data driven decisions or adequate protective supplies for frontline workers, there’s no reasonable way to ensure the health and safety of Pennsylvanians under a broad reopening of businesses. It’s no easy task to lead through a pandemic, but our government officials must make, while difficult, the right decisions to protect the health of our community. Rep Toohil’s support for SB613 failed to meet that standard. HB 1100 Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne) and 42 other Republican State Representatives introduced and passed HB 1100. This bill provides billions in subsidies to petrochemical companies, but does not designate plant locations. The Department of Revenue estimates each plant would receive over $500 million in credits over a 25 year period. Money better used for investments in education, human health and infrastructure. While Toohil has offered broad support for the bill, she is yet to reveal where the Luzerne County plant will be located. HB 1100 is lopsided, designed to make Pennsylvania more attractive to petrochemical companies, without considering the public good. This predatory behavior has already occurred in Beaver County, where by 2045 a petrochemical plant will have received $1.65 billion in tax breaks, the largest in Pennsylvania history. Maintaining clean air and respiratory health is a top priority during a pandemic, not lining the pockets of cash-strapped big oil. While HB 1100 is disguised as a job creator, after construction, only about 100 permanent jobs will remain with no guarantees for employment of local workers. Should we invest in petrochemical plants that will create few permanent jobs over the health and safety of our communities? Once built, these plants produce over a million tons of plastics each year. The manufacturing process causes water pollution and emissions of carcinogenic substances like formaldehyde known to cause a number of respiratory illnesses, neurologic issues and cancers. Meanwhile, with 1 in 3 energy sector jobs in clean energy and with a 6% growth rate, the renewable market in Pennsylvania is booming. The 90,772 workers in Pennsylvania's clean energy sector represent double the workforce the entire state fossil fuel industry employs. Rather than focusing on the longevity and health of our citizens, this bill seeks to subsidize debt-ridden petrochemical plants, disregarding the inevitable pollution and public health impacts to the community. Not only should these plants not be built in Pennsylvania, but they certainly should not be built in our backyard. Rep. Kauffer (R-Kingston) aims to create the illusion that a petrochemical plant will be located in Kingston Corners, a purposeful diversion so that Rep. Toohil does not have to answer the hard questions - is this worth billions in subsidies to bring a corporate polluter into Salem Township or Hazleton? I intend to get this answered between now and November 3rd. Stand with me and let's ask together, “Representative, where is this plant going to be located?”

Todd Eachus is a Resident Drums PA 1989-2020
Born Harrisburg PA September 26, 1962
Graduated Coughlin High School Wilkes-Barre PA Class 1980
Graduated BA Political Studies Pitzer College of the Claremont Colleges Los Angeles, CA 1985
Intern US Congressman 11th PA Congressional District, Honorable James Nelligan R-11 1982
Intern US Congressman 11th PA Congressional District, Honorable Paul Kanjorski D-11 1985
Administrative Assistant Washington DC, US Congressman 14th NJ, Honorable Frank J. Guarini, 1985-1990.
Small Businessman, Portable Space, Exeter PA Modular Office Structures 1990-1996
Member, Policy Committee Chairman and Majority Leader, PA House of Representatives D-116th 1996-2010
Todd Eachus and Associates, Government Affairs, Technology, Policy, and Administration. 2011-2016.
Chief External Affair Officer CEAO, Opportunity Finance Network, Policy, Communications and Development, 2012-2013.
Founder, Pure Plant Health LLC,, Industrial Hemp Direct Farm Distributor and Wholesaler, Willow Grove and Drums PA 2017-2020
Candidate, PA House of Representatives, D-116th @EACHUS2020


First off, I think every woman has a right to be heard. Her claim should be reasonably looked at, judged and then litigated or discarded. Everyone has been chiming in on what they think happened or didn’t happen. Some believe her, others are skeptical. Here’s what stood out for me and made me think this didn’t happen.
She claims that Biden assaulted her in a semi private area of the capitol, hand up the skirt, the whole nine yards. To me it would have to take a lot of hubris on Biden’s part to think he would risk exposure like that. He never struck me as a person who was reckless. This all happened during the era of the Anita Hill hearings and Biden still harbored Presidential ambitions. 
In my estimation, the factoid that moved me to the “didn’t happen” side of the ledger was the fact that the venue was just too dangerous for a public figure like Biden to even think about stepping out of line. Add to that her changing story line, erratic rants about Putin, rabid support of Sanders and the timing of the allegation just as the former Veep was pulling off the biggest comeback in political history, well for me all of those things just don’t add up.


The Lincoln Project came up with this video regarding the Leadership of President Trump. He of course started tweeting about them and what the fool says doesn’t bear repeating. But here’s this remarkable ad.

Ah I can’t ignore what old Diaper Don said about the ad. "Their so-called Lincoln Project is a disgrace to Honest Abe," Trump tweeted. "I don’t know what Kellyanne did to her deranged loser of a husband, Moonface, but it must have been really bad." He also attacked GOP strategists John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Even McMullen, Steve Schmidt, Reed Gavin, and Jennifer Horn. "They’re all LOSERS, but Abe Lincoln, Republican, is all smiles!" Trump tweeted.
I bet if anyone asked Trump a question about “Honest Abe’s” life, he couldn’t come up with one coherent answer.

Trump compared his “horrible treatment” was even worse than what Lincoln got during his Presidency. The optics of this was a nightmare. On the anniversary of Lincoln’s burial this man child President compared himself perhaps to the greatest President this nation had. Ironic that Lincoln, the great voice of reason and unity was contrasted to the voice of lies and division.
Here's the thing about doesn't lie, it doesn't spin. How we all know that he's like a puppy, living in the moment but his legacy will be worth as much as a 5 cent candy bar was in the thirties. 


I’m getting very tired of Mr. Trump telling people the “cupboard was bare” regarding to the Coronavirus. Politi-fact points out, Trump said  the Obama administration left him with a "stockpile with a cupboard that was bare."
In one specific way, he has a point: N95 masks were depleted after the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, and experts warned years ago that the supply should have been replenished.
However, Trump made a sweeping generalization and exaggerated when he described the stockpile as a bare cupboard. The former director of the stockpile, just a couple of months before COVID-19 cases appeared in the U.S., described it as an $8 billion enterprise, with extensive holdings of many needed items.
Ellen Carlin, a professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Global Health Science and Security, said it’s an exaggeration to state that the "cupboard was bare."
Appropriations to the stockpile during Obama’s presidency, when adjusting for inflation, went up a little, down a little, and then ended up about where they started.
"But those numbers don’t just reflect Obama’s requests. They also reflect congressional appropriations — under Congresses that at times were partially controlled by Republicans," she said.

Congressman Matt Cartwright (Photo: LuLac archives) 
U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright announced the release of $500,000 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Brownfields program to the Earth Conservancy in Luzerne County.
A Brownfield is a formerly contaminated site that, once cleaned up, can be repurposed or reused. This federal funding allows Earth Conservancy to clean up Segment F of the Espy Run in Hanover Township. The 2.4-mile Espy Run flows through land that had been used for anthracite mining. The area that comprises Segment F is mine scarred, and the stream is contaminated with acid mine drainage. Funds will also be used to support community outreach activities.
“We know this type of funding is sorely needed in northeastern Pennsylvania,” said Rep. Cartwright. “This not only helps clean up the environment, but also allows these properties to be used for future economic development and supporting the local economies.”
“On behalf of Earth Conservancy, I am incredibly appreciative of the support Congressman Cartwright and the US EPA have shown us and our work in improving mine-scarred lands and waterways in northeastern Pennsylvania,” said Terence J. Ostrowski, PE, Earth Conservancy's President & CEO. “Brownfields are an environmental and economic burden. Only through ongoing federal, state, and local partnerships can we revitalize our communities. This grant will allow Earth Conservancy to complete restoration of Espy Run, reconnecting the stream’s headwaters to its historic drainage path. The project will reduce water lost underground into the mine pools, which eventually resurfaces as abandoned mine drainage. It will also improve habitat for local wildlife. Again, Earth Conservancy is pleased to continue our long-standing relationship with Congressman Cartwright and the US EPA in our restoration efforts. We appreciate their recognition of the importance of this project.”
The EPA’s Brownfields program empowers states and communities to assess and clean up hazards in local communities. To date, EPA’s Brownfields program has helped clean up over 2,000 properties and leverage more than 160,000 jobs.

Senator Bob Casey (Photo: LuLac archives)
Senator Bob Casey is joining a group of nineteen Senators calling for funding to support local journalism and media in any future COVID-19 relief package. In a letter to Senate leadership, the Senators warn that the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – including plummeting advertising revenue – could decimate local and regional news outlets even as communities have become increasingly reliant on their reporting amidst the public health crisis. Already news outlets have laid off or furloughed staff, and some newspapers have reduced or eliminated print editions.
“The current public health crisis has made the already vital role of local news even more critical,” the Senators wrote. “Some of the most important guidance for families and businesses during this crisis has been highly localized. Local journalism has been providing communities answers to critical questions, including information on where to get locally tested, hospital capacity, road closures, essential business hours of operation, and shelter-in-place orders. During this unprecedented public health crisis, people need to have access to their trusted local news outlets for this reliable and sometimes life-saving information.”
“Local journalists have proven themselves to be valiant first responders during this pandemic, exposing themselves to a dangerous virus in order to get the story to the people,” said PEN America's Washington director, Thomas O. Melia. “They are 'essential workers' as many executive orders on staying at home at the state and local level have explicitly noted. The sector as a whole is suffering gravely as the nationwide shutdown has accelerated their loss of revenue. This is why we at PEN America support Senator Blumenthal's initiative to urge Senate leaders to include specific targeted stimulus relief for local journalism at this critical time.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the extraordinary value of local news outlets, which have seen huge jumps in traffic since the beginning of March. Local news stories are now among the most viewed stories in the country – even as local media fight to survive the pandemic. Without funding from the next stimulus package, we may lose one of the most important sources of information we have to navigate through this crisis,” said Lisa Macpherson, Senior Policy Fellow at Public Knowledge.
The letter was also signed by U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Mark Warner (D-VA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Jack Reed (D-RI), Patty Murray (D-WA), Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Edward J. Markey (D-MA), Angus King (I-ME), Tom Udall (D-NM), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Joe Manchin (D-WV).LISM

Congressman Dan Meuser (Photo: LuLac archives)
Congressman Dan Meuser sent a letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, asking for clarification on the Governor’s recent comments regarding enforcement of Unemployment Insurance (UI)-related provisions in the CARES Act:
“In order to create a disincentive for unemployment and to encourage businesses to utilize the PPP, the DOL issued regulations on the guidance on the Unemployment Insurance (UI)-related provisions that explicitly stated that the additional $600 payment is only meant for individuals who have been laid off through no fault of their own. The guidance clarified that ‘quitting work without good cause to obtain UI benefits is fraud under PUA’ – if an employee walks off the job or refuses an employer’s offer to return to work, they are ineligible for the augmented UI. The guidance also notes that ‘states are expected to enforce this provision.’ Earlier this week, you were asked if there was any way of revoking the augmented unemployment benefits for an employee who refused to return to work. Your answer, ‘No,’ is in direct contradiction with the law established by the CARES Act. This has created confusion for business owners and I respectfully ask that you update your answer in a way that is accurately reflective of the CARES Act. The law was deliberately written to maintain the balance between providing emergency UI compensation for those who cannot work and encouraging the rehiring of those employees who can.”


Dear Fellow Pennsylvanian,
Did you know, ALL voters can now vote by mail in PA?
And you do not need to provide an excuse. Go to – it is quick and easy and mobile friendly.
If you already applied for a mail-in or absentee ballot before the primary date was changed, you do NOT need to reapply. Check the status of your ballot at
Apply today to make sure you receive your ballot in time - visit or call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772). Applications must be submitted no later than May 26th and ballots must be received by your county election office by June 2nd.
Also – tell your friends, the voter registration deadline is coming up soon – voters must register by May 18th. Visit to register online.
Elections are important, and so is staying safe. Request your ballot today! Thank you.
Kathy Boockvar
Secretary of the Commonwealth




Tune in Sunday morning at 6 on 94.3 The Talker; 6:30 on 1400-The Game, NEPA's Fox .Sports Radio and 106.7 fm; and at 7:30 on 105 The River.


ECTV "PREVIEW" host David DeCosmo continues his interviews from home for his weekly public affairs program. Bernie McGurl from the Lackawanna River Conservation Association is featured on the program during the week of May 11th. He'll unveil plans for a unique clean up contest that's about to get started throughout the area.
PREVIEW is seen 3 times daily on Comcast channel 19 and on the electric city television YouTube page.


Want to hear some great parodies on the news? Tune in to WILK Radio at 6:20 and 8:20 AM on Mondays. As Ralph Cramden used to say, “It’s a laugh riot!”



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Global eradication of smallpox certified by the World Health Organization....In Florida, the Liberian freighter Summit Venture hits the Sunshine Skyway Bridge over Tampa Bay. A 1,400 feet (430 m) section of the bridge collapses and 35 people (most in a bus) are killed. The Norco shootout takes place in California.
James Alexander George Smith "Jags" McCartney the Turks and Caicos Islands’ first Chief Minister, is killed in a plane crash over New Jersey........

American mobster Henry Hill is arrested for drug possession. Hill was the inspiration for the move “Goodefllas” and forty years ago the number one song in LuLac land an d America was hate to say it, hate to play it, hate to write it but it sold nonetheless, “Lost in Love” by Air Supply


At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell Yonk? Giving Meuser a shout out again? You know only Fox is fair and balanced, right?


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