Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,418, October 13th, 2020


Our "13 Questions" logo   

1. Do you think Trump faked the Covid Virus?

 No, I can tell by his labored breathing after his return from the hospital that he did not. However; I think he contributed to his own illness by being reckless and a fool. The fact that after he got out of the hospital and essentially said, no big deal is horrible He needs to go and should be charged with reckless endangerment. 

  2. The Indians are out this year. Early. Surprised?

 Not a bit.

 3. Did you see Joe Biden’s speech in Gettysburg?

 Not in real time but I did watch the replay and it was Presidential as well as believable. He really knocked it out of the park.

       4. We all know you hate Trump. Can you describe in one word as to why?

 Don’t hate him. Pity him. Think he is lazy and unwilling to learn. But I think one word can describe my attitude toward him. Exhausting.

       5. Do you wear a mask everywhere you go?

 Yes. My work requires it. I also wear it as a sign of respect. You won’t see me flinging it off like old Diaper Don.

 6. Whatever size you were, are, will be, you dress pretty well. What would you say is your dress code, preppie, business casual, button up, button down?

si  My dress code is simply this. Not to look ridiculous.  

7.   Are the ribs and chicken as good as they smelled at the NAACP Barbecue last Sunday?

Even better.

       8. Favorite Halloween candy of all time and right now?

Anything Hersheys when I was a kid. Even dark chocolate. But now I really love Reese’s Cups, pieces, whatever. I even go out of my way to buy Reese's Peanut butter. 

 9. Do you believe what the President says about the virus?

 Not a word.

 10.   I saw an interview on ABC TV with Eric Trump. Is he crazy or what?

 Saw the same thing. He reminded me of a desperate little kid about to lose his allowance.

 11.   The race for Congress in the 8th is getting rough. We all know you support Matt Cartwright but aren’t you a little rough on his opponent Jim Bognet?

 It It is true I am, was and always will be a Matt Cartwright supporter. But unlike his previous opponents, Bognet is distorting the truth. He’s lying about saying Cartwright wants to defund the police. I was on the call wen Cartwright answered the question. Plus, police departments are funded by the LOCAL entities. There is no NATIONAL funding for police. Furthermore, Cartwright has gotten appropriations money in the millions to bolster police protection, not defund it. 

12. Do  you trust the national polling in the Presidential race?

No. There are too many wild cards and variables. But I will say this. Trump won 3 states by less than 80,000 votes. Any losses in say even Luzerne County which he won by 26,000 will have to be made up somewhere. The Trump campaign seems to be focusing in on his base which is fine but it seems to me that is not a strategy of growth but rather of diminishing returns.

        13. Do you think the GOP controlled Senate’s rush of the nomination to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg was unseemly?

Yes. But not unexpected by this group of immoral thugs. 80 minutes AFTER SHE DIED, Moscow Mitch was saying he’d fill the seat. Her body wasn’t even cold yet. Then when she wasn’t even laid to rest, there was that super spreader event at the White House. They have no shame.  









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