Tuesday, December 05, 2023

The LuLac Edition #5, 037, December 5th, 2023



Our “Maybe I’m Amazed” logo.


MAYBE I’M  AMAZED…..that three composer, Bach, Hayden and Scarletti were born on the same day March 31st.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that one of the most famous institutions of musical education in the world, the Moscow Conservatory is officially named after the  composer of "Swan Lake" and "The Nutcracker Tchaikovsky.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that the 1846 oratorio by Felix Mendelssohn tells the story of the titular Old Testament prophet Elijah who brings rain to Israel through his prayers and ascends in a fiery chariot to heaven.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….that arguably the most famous section of Camille Saint-Saëns's suite "The Carnival of the Animals" is its thirteenth section, a piece with a prominent cello solo named for a swan.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that a string quarter is traditionally composed for one cello, one viola, and two of the  Violin.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED....that he four-letter classical music term is Italian Alto which means high.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that the name for a large-scale composition for chorus, orchestra, and solo voices tells a story without the use of costumes or sets.  The most famous example is "Messiah" by George Frideric Handel’s Oratorio “Messiah”

MAYBE I’M AMAZED.......that Beethoven’s  only one opera he ever composed, is about Leonore disguising herself as the titular prison guard in order to rescue her husband Florestan from political prison. “Fidellio”  originally premiered in 1805.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED………The “Four Seasons” might have been Vivaldi’s greatest hit as a composer, but he was also well-known (and highly regarded) as a virtuoso on the violin.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED......that Gustav Holst is the English composer is best known for his  “The Planets” suite?

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that  Bela Bartok and Romantic composer Franz Liszt are typically considered the greatest composers to emerge from Hungary.


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

".that he four-letter classical music term is Italian Also which means high."

what term?

At 7:59 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

that he four-letter classical music term is Italian Also which means high."


A typo. Your comment was what I was aiming for. TY. BTW thanks for reading and Buon Natale.


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