The LuLac Edition #1100, Feb. 18th, 2010

If you are of a certain age in LuLac land, then you’ll remember a time when WNEP TV had a 15 minute 11 o’clock newscast, when the anchorman sported a crew cut, the sports guy doubled as the host for Dialing for Dollars and the weathercaster modeled dresses from the Hollywood Shoppe in downtown Wilkes Barre. That newscast was done by the late John Foster and John Glawe for sure two quality broiadcasters. But with all due respect to their memory, the “star” of that broadcast was Ann Hayes Wideman. Summer, winter , spring or fall, Ann did the weather with panache and style. Her forecast was straight forward, no banter or musings about her anchor’s weekend plans or the sports guy’s favorite teams. It was a straight up forecast followed by a 1 minute fashion show where Ann described the latest outfit available at the Hollywood Shoppe in downtown Wilkes Barre. Hayes Wideman stayed with the station until the late 60s when WNEP went to half hour newscasts and her late husband Ed Wideman’s political career as a county commissioner in Luzerne County blossomed. I met her once on the campaign trail when I was a kid going to an event with my late uncle Timmy Pribula and again in 1978 when she and her husband helped out the late Tom Lehman in his bid for the Senate in the 20th District. Years later I formulated a great friendship with her daughter Caprice and son in law Rick Ryman. She was gracious, friendly down to earth and was vigiliant of anyone who dared to attack “her Ed” in the political warfare of Luzerne County. Our condolences to her family. Here’s her obituary from the Citizen’s Voice.
GOP Congressional candidate Lou Barletta went on the attack this week in his campaign to unseat Paul Kanjorski. The anniversary of the President’s Stimulus Bill and the mailing of a Kanjorski constituency piece got the Hazleton Mayor’s dander up. This week mailboxes all across Northeast Pa. were stuffed with a four page glossy mailer that promoted Paul Kanjorski and DC’s failed stimulus package. This mailer was paid for by taxpayers of the 11th Congressional District. The timing of the mailer also needs to be called into question. The piece arrived on the same day Kanjorski announced his intentions to run for Congress and on the anniversary of the failed stimulus. Is it possible that Kanjorski is coordinating his taxpayer funded self-promotion to coincide with his campaign activity? The best thing Congressman Kanjorski can do to clear the air about this controversial behavior is to answer the following questions as soon as possible:
1.How much did the Kanjorski mailer “Recovery Act Update” cost the taxpayers?
2.Who was the vendor contracted to do the work on this taxpayer funded piece?
3.Has this vendor ever done campaign work for Kanjorski or contributed to his
In regards to the stimulus, Indiana’s Democratic Senator Evan Bayh summed it up best when he said this to CBS News yesterday: “If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months.” Mayor Barletta asked, “It’s one year later and where are the jobs? While Paul Kanjorski and his friends have spent the last year piling up mountains of debt and record deficits through their misplaced priorities, American families are still looking for relief. Paul Kanjorski and his colleagues promised that their trillion-dollar spending bill would keep unemployment under 8 percent, but it stands nearly two points higher today.”
Dr. Joe Leonardi always said there was room for an FM talker in the market and he was right on target. BOLD GOLD recently bought FM 94.3 and AM 730, the old WNAK. On the FM side you will be hearing some conservative talk on that station. Beck, Hannity and imus. 94.3FM is a powerful frequency that covers Wilkes Barre Scranton and out into Wayne County. It will be interesting to see how this new FM product will stack up against WILK.
Yesterday we told you Congressman Kanjorski was running for Congress. In a few newspaper stories today it appears Kanjorski who embraced then candidate Obama in 2008 is now gingerly backing away from the beleaguered President. Look at this quote from the Citizen’s Voice: "His administration and he seemed to freeze in place, and so did the Congress that 'we don't give a damn, we're going to have health care,'" Kanjorski said during an interview Wednesday with The Citizens' Voice editorial board. "That was sort of a disconnect with the American population," Kanjorski said. "Most people out here in the land were realizing that their biggest concerns were jobs and the economy". Now this from a guy who said in a TV ad in ’08 that he needed to be re-elected to help President Obama with his sweeping change. This from a guy who showered us all with photos of himself and the President at a summer White House lawn barbeque. I mean the contrast is striking. Kanjorski is doing what he needs to do to get re-elected. It is apparent that even long time Dems are tanking on this President or are talking sternly about him. Such is the fleeting fate of Presidential politics. One thing Kanjorski said that made sense was his seniority. Pointing to the recent death of John Murtha and the retirements of Senators Musto and Mellow, Kanjorski makes a very good point about his longevity and effectiveness. But unless something changes, we may not see the good Congressman invoking the name of Mr. Obama in his ads this spring or fall.
So I’m watching MSNBC TV’s “Morning Joe” today and the commentators on the show, many to the left of me uttered the C word in relation to President Obama. The roundtable made the point that the White House staff has been as inept as members of the Carter administration. I was waiting for the comparisons to the former Georgia Governor and President to occur. Mrs. LuLac always made the point that Obama never knew the Senate so how would he know the inner workings of Washington. True enough. But it is one thing for Fox to pile on but when MSNBC does it…look out.
Even though he’s been kicked around on the success of the Stimulus package, the President’s political arm made a comment about its success on the first anniversarty. Take a look:
Former Republican and candidate for Governor turned Democrat Barbara Hafer said she might be interested in running for the seat of the late John Murtha in Johnstown. Hafer was a political power in the 80s and 90’s even facing off in the 1990 Governor’s race with the late Bob Casey. She became a Democrat a few years back. The district might be reapportioned out of business in the next census.
While Soviet author and translator Valery Tarsis is abroad, the Soviet Union negates his citizenship...A military coup in Syria replaces the previous government with a Ba'athist regime…..Statewide, Philadelphia Mayor James Tate prepares for a reelection campaign in the city of Brotherly Love one full year before the voting and in the same race, a little known District Attorney named Arlen Specter makes noises about running for the top job on the GOP ticket.... the State of Pennsylvania demands Wilkes Barrd reimburse the Tresasury department for damages incurred on Blackman Street…And the number 1 song in America and LuLac land was “Uptight” by Stevie Wonder, his first number 1 hit since “Fingertops Part 1 a few years back.
Funny how Kanjo forgot Obama saved him two years ago. Without Obama Lou Barletta would be running for reelection not Obama. The thing that is going to hurt Kanjo is he is not going to have the Obama volunteers caring literature with his face on this time around. Hes only going to have good old Ed Mitchell running negative ads against his opponent. Didnt Mitchell do the campaigns of the Luz COunty disgraced indicted judges. I think it is time for Kanjo to retire especially when he says he is breaking up wall street and the banks and gets most of his contributions from them for his campaign.
As a democrat kanjo makes me sick. What kind of jobs has he braught to this area? The only people who r getting money around here are Kanjo, his friend the mayor of wilkes-barre, and they r both talking about bringing jobs to the area. No one in Congress will even sign his earmarks any more. Retire please u r going to loose in the fall anyway if u do win retire.
Dave: A few things. First off Happy Birthday. Second, great story on Mrs. Wideman. She was great. Third, Kanjo will win again. These guys just have no clue how politics in LuLac land as you call it works.
The days of the Negative Mitchell campaigns are over Paul is going down. When is the last time Paul kncoked on a door and asked someone for a vote. Paul has forgot about the people who put him in Washington now they are going to vote him out. Corey OBrien is running around and campaigning like crazy. I had to take offense to Mitchells comments about the contributers to OBriens campaign. Mitchell called them low hanging fruit. But Kanjo received money from only 4 local people on his last finance reports. Kanjo received all of his contributions from Wall Street and the banks. Arent the people who Mitchell calls the low hanging fruit in the area constituents of Kanjo? I take enormous offense to the comments of Mitchell. I would rather have a canidate be funded by hardworking people of Northeast Pennsylvania then the Fat Cats on WallStreet that fund Kanjo.
Happy Birthday Dave. These guys have no clue how politics works wow does it work by getting contributions from wall street and big banks and not going out and asking your constituents for their vote but by blasting them in negative adds. Those kinds of politics are changing just look at Massachusetts.
How can you receive contributions from Wall Street and the big banks and call your constituents low hanging fruit who give money to your opponent.
Whatever Bold Gold does they cant program effectively against Rush Limbaugh on the conservative side.
Cant imagine WILK losing a significant piece of the audience.
94.3 should consider going after it with Strong Local Personalities not necessarily current broadcasters but I admittedly dont know what I'm talking about.
Great signal. I say competion is always good always and I wish them the best.
Huh. Funny how THIS mayor of Hazleton questions OTHERS about how they spend the taxpayer dime!
Who the hell is Tiger Woods apologizing to? He damn sure doesnt owe me an apology for his personal conduct. Play golf.
Barletta undertook the anti-immigrant ordinance in order to make a name for himself. Anyone could see that its constitutionality was questionable--including, as it turned out, the federal court. Just wait until Hazeleton's appeal has been lost and it's time to pay the DEFENDANTS' attorneys fees, too.
Yep, Mayor Tom is a really hands on. Each hand wrapped around a (edited).
Dave, who's the blonde in the Stooges short? It looks like onwe of the first ones.
Hey dave, did you happen to see stevie wonder's new wife?
Dave, who's the blonde in the Stooges short? It looks like onwe of the first ones.
Hey dave, did you happen to see stevie wonder's new wife?
Failed Stimulus? Seems to me that national economists are saying that the failed economy that was heading into a deep depression has stopped sliding and is beginning a recovery. Is that a failed stimulus? Of course our local experts sure have the credentials to pontificate on the economy. As for Looser Lou, he won't be facing Kanjo, he will be facing Cory O'Brien so all of this effort against Kanjo is wasted. Mini Me Maher is a big part of Kanjo's problems but we don't need Kanjo who is getting so old its hard for him to speak without slurring. Kanjo should have the decency to retire with dignity.
When is 94.3 going to all talk? I'd love an alternative to WILK. They're getting pretty repetitive lately, even the callers are all the same.
read pittston politics. joe v hits the nail on the head. if true, cory will be unopposed in primary while chris paige causes lou to increase is election debt load
Thats the problem with Kanjo he wants to take take take and when someone challenges him he says its free money. Mini Me Maher is going to take the loss harder then Kanjo because hes the one who is running all over the area saying u know who i am u know who i am. Talk about getting a check for doing nothing Mini me is a clear example of it. He still thinks Bill Clinton is President and goes to events all over town acting like he owns the place. Retire Mini me you are part of the problem with politicians being out of touch with the people. And dont get me started Kanjo with you running away from the President the same man who kept you in office in November of 2008.
Its always been and always will be the same callers. Very few people will call a talk station and the same people call again and again. Would be nice to have an alternative, but in the end how much of an alternative can they offer on the conservative side? I bet its many of the same callers
on both signals. You can almost name em!
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