Monday, December 12, 2016

The LuLac Edition #3373, December 12th, 2016


Our “Maybe I’m Amazed” logo.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that Carolina’s Cam Newton was suspended one game for not wearing a tie. Jeez, haven’t the Panthers seen that picture of Tom Marino when he showed up tie and jacketless at a debate in 2014? In know, I know, Marino wasn’t in a super bowl. But this is way too much and there has to be an underlying reason.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that with this latest news coming about the Russians hacking the election (at least according to the CIA) the Donnie Rigged administration is not getting the point. It is not a complaint about the Democrats losing but that Russia has now hacked us. These guys spent so much time saying Secretary Clinton was a security risk and now they don’t want to investigate this? Incredible.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED……at that it is the 30th anniversary of the New York Giants Super bowl year. They beat Denver to get those rings and so many players said the secret of the Parcell’s success was just repetition in practice. Phil McConkey told a radio interviewer that he was more afraid of making a mistake in practice then during the game.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED……but always grateful for the work, dedication and craftsmanship of some of the holiday displays you see in LuLac land every Christmas.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…… the fact that there is an International Tug of War federation and that the rule states that the rope has to be 100 feet long. I’m sure the Russians will find their way around that.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….but not really that Wilkes Barre Mayor Tony George wants to keep the high schools in the City. The Mayor is being proactive in his offer and the School Board should try to work with him. Plus while we’re at it, does the city of Wilkes Barre need THREE football teams? It must be the only place in America that has that.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED… John Holland who was on WILK Radio Friday afternoon. He was trying to school L.A. Tarone about how unions and school boards worked. Look I know the guy is an advocate for the union but you know what? If the Dallas School Board fired all those teachers, those jobs would be filled in a day.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that hippos can open their mouth 180 degrees. Speaking of hippos, I like most Christmas songs but the “I Want A Hippopotamus” for Christmas ditty is just not witty.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED……at the heat Wilkes Barre Council members Beth Gilbert and Tony Brooks got from the anonymous dunderheads on the local papers comments section. Apparently these two went to an NAACP Youth event and they were called out as do gooders and subject to personal attacks. Uh, they are council members who represent people in the city who are having an event. What’s wrong with that? Oh, wait, of course they are the wrong color. Yep we hide that racism behind a keyboard.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that an ostrich’s brain is smaller than its eye. Yeah kind of like the idiots who post comments about community volunteers as they sit behind a screen, fart in their boxers and take a swig of beer at 8am in the morning.


At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe i'm amazed at the total lack of creativity,and festiveness in the christmas decorations in downtown wilkes barre. looks like they drove the dpw trucks down the roads and played ringtoss on the lamp posts. and the lights-wow such a warm and fuzzy feeling. what a sad showing for such a joyous season.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Russians hacking the election......."

What exactly does that mean? Did they break into the voting machines and manipulate vote totals?

At 7:47 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

What exactly does that mean? Did they break into the voting machines and manipulate vote totals?


No, in my estimation it doesn't mean that. No votes were changed. But the tone of the campaign was shifted in Trump's direction by the wikileaks releases during the campaign.
It is mystifying why one party was hacked and e mails got to the scumbag accused rapist Julian Assange concerning the Dems and not anyone else.
That changes not the vote total but the campaign. Now you might say the Democrats had it coming by their bad behavior on the e mails BUT if they can do I said they have the cyber capability to mess up our power grid and our banks.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

and the lights-wow such a warm and fuzzy feeling. what a sad showing for such a joyous season.


I drove through the downtown tonight. The lights look great.

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So wikileads released a bunch of accurate information, which Assange claims came from inside sources. If true, how is that any different than Woodward and Bernstein?

At 6:50 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

So wikileads released a bunch of accurate information, which Assange claims came from inside sources. If true, how is that any different than Woodward and Bernstein?


I'd believe our Intelligence agencies over an accused rapist hiding out. Woodward and Bernstein did the shoe leather, this guy sat back and got it handed to him.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But does that change the accuracy of information?

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of funny, I don't recall you ever referring to Bill Clinton as "the accused rapist."

At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Woodward and Bernstein did the shoe leather........"

To be fair, they only had to use shoe leather to get to the parking garage because there was no email. Mark Felt gave them the information for their reporting. If Felt didn't give inside info, they may never have broken the story.

At 7:11 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Kind of funny, I don't recall you ever referring to Bill Clinton as "the accused rapist."


Okay, I'll make you happy.
Bill Clinton was an accused rapist.
But he didn't hide out from people and did treasonous things while he was under investigation for a case that was NEVER PROVEN.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

If Felt didn't give inside info, they may never have broken the story.


Apples and oranges.
Felt was a patriot who knew his President was screwing with the Constitution.
Assange has no such character of aspirations.
To compare Felt to the wikileaks person is off the mark.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was any of the leaked information untrue?


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