Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The LuLac Edition #3421, January 31st, 2017

(Photo: babble.com)

Just a few words on those trade restraints the new President wants to place on Mexico. Mexico actually imports corn from Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri. Corn is a staple in Mexican diets and foods. Most of the cheese that Mexico uses comes from Wisconsin.
If Trump puts a tariff on these goods or a 20% charge, they’ll still get their cheese and corn.
But they’ll buy it from Argentina.
Not us.
And the farmers in Wisconsin Kansas, Iowa and Kansas will be hurt.
Again, this guy and for that matter even his voters in these states never think of the consequences.


Some local yokel penned a letter to the Times Leader last week saying that actors should stick to their trade and not offer political opinions. I guess he’s okay with Reagan, Eastwood and Scott Baio but not the current crop. Here’s the nonsense:
Dear Hollywood actors and actresses,
Remember what has gained you your millions and your fame. It is not by playing yourself, which is the first clue that you should shut your mouth when you’re doing your own scripting.
You have made your life by playing other people. Someone wrote your lines for you. A director told you how to emote in various scenes.
Others have dressed you, both for in front of and behind the camera. The fact that you are good at playing other people when someone has literally created that character for you, does not mean you are good at playing yourself.
Yet you all think that you are some kind of political, social and cultural savant.
We have enjoyed many of you playing others. We don’t enjoy, nor do we pay, for you to play yourself.
So please, please, stop with your nonsensical opinions on all matters. We really don’t care, and it’s never a performance we enjoy.
So please, please, stop with your nonsensical opinions...apparently advice not taken by the writer.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Bluto said...

Mexico is not without recourse against The Orange One. He'll always have his rabid 20% or so, but the other Trump voters are going to see through the hair spray.

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most corn grown in this country is not for human consumption and most corn farmers would make zero money without government subsides. What is sold outside the borders would have a negligible impact on a crop that has no intrinsic value without being propped up by the government.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Most corn grown in this country is not for human consumption and most corn farmers would make zero money without government subsides.

50% of the corn used in pop corn via means of corn oil goes to Mexico. Corn and cheese are also used as basic staples of their diet.
While sweet corn makes up 1% of edible corn, field corn is exported for use in by products like corn oil as well as ingredients in other products.
95% of corn grown by farmers come from family farms.

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Your Friend and Political Sparring Partner said...

Because of government subsides corn has been artificially propped up, and an overproduction of it has been going on for decades. The grain can be found in almost every step of our food chain. Even if you avoid corn for a year, and take a hair sample, you will find traces in the human body because of the infiltration into the food chain.
Corn used as feed for cattle is the majority reason the nutritional benefits of beef have declined. The omega 3/6 ration of grain fed,(corn) beef is out of whack because it is not a natural source of food for cows. Corn introduced into the diet of cattle has lead to the presence of e-coli, which is not usually found in grass fed cattle.
Corn and its derivative uses, especially high fructose corns syrup, has helped contribute to the obesity epidemic, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, type II DM, in-turn adding disproportionately to health care costs.
Take away taxpayer support, let the crop decline to a more realistic production, let farmers move to better crops, or sell off the land, and get this f-ing, health destroying, grain out of our systems.

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Bluro said...

Seven per cent of U.S. corn is used to make Trump's special hair spray.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Corn used as feed for cattle is the majority reason the nutritional benefits of beef have declined. The omega 3/6 ration of grain fed,(corn) beef is out of whack because it is not a natural source of food for cows.


That may be so but the Mexican movie chains use derivatives for pop corn.

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:58's comments go above and beyond responding to your assertions and all you can say is "That may be so but the Mexican movie chains use derivatives for pop corn."

Better to have said nothing.

@6:58 nice response and a wealth of thought provoking evidence. I find myself agreeing with you about the side-effects of corn feed beef. I suspect "Big Ag" is the primary beneficiary of the subsidies. Take the corn out of my fuel too: it sucks.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

6:58's comments go above and beyond responding to your assertions and all you can say is "That may be so but the Mexican movie chains use derivatives for pop corn."

Better to have said nothing.


Where the hell do you think the corn goes? In case you didn't notice, corn is a staple in the Mexican diet.
5.5 million tons of exported US corn goes to Mexico. Just saying. Look it up.

I suspect "Big Ag" is the primary beneficiary of the subsidies. Take the corn out of my fuel too: it sucks.


Well go grow your own and pay 7 bucks for a gallon of gas.

At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

corn in fuel actually cost more than just using gas. the distilling of crude into kerosene and gasoline is relatively cheap. what it takes to grow and make corn a fuel additive is an expensive endeavor. and the additive damages the engines of many cars, shortening the lifespan of the vehicle.
and actually remove all the silly ass regulations and taxes and we could be paying 50 cents a gallon for gas, but the liberals who care for the poor so much would never want to see that.
people able to afford gas, the cost of transportation of good decreasing making them more affordable.
hell no, tax and regulate and keep the cost of transportation, getting to work and heating homes high, high, high, so then people turn to the government for help.
the overuse of corn has done more damage than what the other poster had mentioned.


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