Thursday, June 04, 2020

The LuLac Edition # 4, 316, June 4th, 2020

Jim Bognet, the apparent winner in the 8th race for Congress. (Photo: Times Leader)
Late Wednesday Jim Bognet claimed victory in the hot race for the 8th Congressional District to face off against Matt Cartwright. Bognet is going to have a task ahead of him to unite the party. The closeness of the race between Bognet and Daniels showed the strength of the very pro Trump people who backed Bognet to the hilt. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Remember it was Daniels who attacked Bognet for working with Mitt Romney.

8th Congressional candidate Teddy Daniels (Photo: Daniels campaign)
The recent primary election saw 6 candidates vie for the chance to run against incumbent Congressman Matt Cartwright in the 8th Congressional District. As of this publication time, Jim Bognet looks like the winner with a 1300 vote lead over Teddy Daniels.  WNEP TV’s Scott Shaffer said on TV Election night that Daniels ran a very quiet campaign. That was not so. Daniels was very vocal in his love of Donald Trump. He repeatedly attacked Washington, D.C. as a “:swamp\”, embraced all the President’s policies, organized raucous rallies with his biker friends, fired off rifles on Tube videos, attacked Bognet for having a job with Mitt Romney and viciously went after another opponent who questioned one of his petitions. Daniels was not shy about attacking Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Cartwright. He linked every conspiracy theory about Pelosi to his campaign website and virtually adopted the Trump playbook. His endorsements came from party regulars but also office holders.
At first glance it appeared that Daniels close second place showing was a surprise. But when you look at the core vote for Trump in 2016 in Luzerne County, you see Daniels appealed to those Trump supporters. It is true the large field helped him but one wonders if the victory will have any legs come November. If Daniels hits the 14,000 vote level in the final tally, you’d have to equate that with the combined vote totals of the 5 candidate’s votes he didn’t get. That’s a big hill to climb in a General Election for an incumbent that has brought significant revenue back to his district.
The Daniels showing tells us three things.
1. That the Trump base in Luzerne County if appealed to directly is unshakeable.
2. His opponent Matt Cartwright and the Luzerne County Democrats cannot get a false sense of relief by having a cantankerous opponent like Daniels in the race. His showing with the Trump base, and his independent Jesse Ventura persona appeals to those who vote on a visceral level. That cannot be taken for granted.
3. Like his other elections in the past, this seat is being labeled as a prize for the national GOP. Even though Daniels was not endorsed by the likes of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, you can bet Daniels is on the radar now.But now unity must prevail between Bognet and Daniels.
This race was one people were going to watch all along but now with Bonet, a Washington insider, in the contest, it will be on the map nationally. Contrasts in candidates will be an added attraction come November. Cartwright will be the same steady presence he’s always been. Bognet will be the Conservative side of that coin. GOP Voters will have to wonder  if a grenade thrower like Daniels or a person familiar with the system would be a reasonable alternative to the incumbent.The Republicans have to unite if they stand any chance of winning this seat.

We all knew that Republican Senators were the supreme collaborators with the Donald Trump Presidency. None of them made a peep when he was impeached for trying to contact a foreign entity to get dirt on his opponent. They all squealed like little piggies saying the impeachment was politically motivated. Basically Donald Trump cut their collective balls off and made the eunuchs who are afraid of their own shadows. I get the fact that they are all for self preservation because face it when live in a self gratification society. But what is stunning is the fct that these Republican men and women are ignoring the face that while they are the leaders of today, they are the faces of history down the road. None have even given that consideration.
When asked about Trump’s warble over to St. John’s Church on Monday afternoon, about ten Senators said they didn’t see it. Gee, kind of reminds me of those documentaries on The History Channel where the Germans never saw the holocaust or the French Vichy never saw the Nazis take over Paris.
Too strong an analogy?
Well look if these learned men and women can’t even make an honest comment about what was seen by millions of their constituents, then they have been collaborators in what is now turning into fascism in the United States of America. 
One of them is own puny Pat Toomey who HAS SAID NOTHING! He is a disgrace to the United States Senate, Pennsylvania, and all the people who sent him to do a job.
But what would we expect from a puny man but a puny backbone.


First off, did you see the photo of the First Lady with Trump when the two were at another photo op in Washington? She looked like she was in hostage video. Diaper Don told her to smile and she barely cracked one. Could it be Catholic guilt knowing that she was being used as a prop?
This was the second day that Trump used a church or a religious institution to try and convince people he was a courageous and true leader. The fact of the matter is he was [piqued when he found out people thought he was a sacred cat for staying in his bunker while Joe Biden hit the streets and empathized with human beings on Sunday.
Old Diaper Don had to pull up his Depends and strut like a peacock to show he was a real man. But like an old time mafia boss, he had others do his dirty work. Attorney General and legal lapdog Bob Barr gave the order to clear the streets of peaceful protestors and media, daughter he lusts after Ivanka transported the Bible into her handbag and her genius husband Jared Kushner orchestrated this whole affair.
Trump had to beg people to come. The First Lady wasn’t there on Monday and neither was Vice President Pence. I get annoyed from a historical standpoint when Trump is compared to Richard Nixon. Nixon had his faults but he faced students in public during Vietnam and had respect for the way thing work in Washington. I never thought I’d be writing this but Trump makes Nixon look like a Saint!



Dear Trump voter:
To all those Trump voters of ’16 who voted for Trump to shake up Washington, you got your wish! Trump came in, threw away the Pandemic playbook, closed the office, fired the scientists and not only shook things up but eviscerated agencies in place to prevent it.
Let’s hope you, your family or anyone you cared about wasn’t one of the now 104,000 people DEAD!


Dear Trump voter,
Remember when your gun toting right wing neighbors said President Obama was going to declare martial law? You whined and said, “we need to take our country back!” Of course being ignorant of most thing logical you couldn’t say who stole it! But you did say that martial law was coming.
You were right. It almost came on Monday night when Diaper Don wanted to send his own military against his own people.
You got what you asked for. LIVE WITH IT!

Congressman Mat Cartwright (Photo: LuLac archives).
Representative Matt Cartwright announced that the Hazleton Police Department has received a $1,342,497 grant through the federal Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program to support the hiring of additional law enforcement officers.
“The coronavirus pandemic is straining local government budgets, and that makes it hard to keep essential services like police and first response up and running,” said Cartwright, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. “More federal support to help our local governments weather this economic fallout is badly needed, but these resources will bolster Hazleton’s efforts to keep the city safe in this challenging time.”
“It’s great to see that the federal leaders of our Commonwealth recognize the issues we’re dealing with in Hazleton, and that they’re stepping up to support us,” said Hazleton Mayor Jeff Cusat. “This takes a big financial burden off our city at a time when we need more resources for our law enforcement.”
The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) is a competitive award program intended to reduce crime and advance public safety through community policing by providing direct funding for the hiring of career law enforcement officers. The community policing approach focuses on forging trust between law enforcement and the members of the communities they serve. CHP funding also helps law enforcement agencies maintain sufficient sworn personnel levels to promote safe communities.


57 years ago, President Kennedy declared in a nationally televised address on civil rights, “It ought to be possible, in short, for every American to enjoy the privileges of being American without regard to his race or his color. In short, every American ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated. But this is not the case.”

Recent events remind us that systemic racism continues today. As a nation we continue to struggle with issues of racial violence, injustice, and inequality. As a Presidential Library, we have a special responsibility to the ideals that all people are created equal, that all people have equal protection under the law, and that all people are equally deserving of life, liberty, dignity, justice, and the presumption of innocence.
We stand for a nation that lives up to those ideals. We remain committed to doing the work necessary to ensure that as an archives, museum, educational institution, and convener of public dialogue that we bring forth the full richness of historical and contemporary voices and perspectives—towards a goal of moving ever closer to the ideals of our democracy.
By standing united in our common purpose and supporting one other during these very difficult times, we believe that we will be able to get through this together.

(Photo: Heidelbaugh campaign)
Running unopposed in Tuesday’s primary, Pittsburgh attorney Heather Heidelbaugh has clinched the Republican nomination in the statewide race for Pennsylvania Attorney General and is primed to face off against incumbent Josh Shapiro in the November general election.
“I am humbled to receive the Republican nomination for Pennsylvania Attorney General. The time for us to return an experienced lawyer to this office is long overdue,” noted Heidelbaugh on her nomination.
“For too long, the office of the Attorney General in Pennsylvania has been mismanaged by a career politician who is more concerned with playing politics than practicing law. Josh Shapiro has used his office as a platform to campaign for Governor, while Pennsylvania streets become more dangerous, drug dealers walk free, and our citizens suffer. It’s time for a change. It’s time to elect a conservative, experienced lawyer—one that will fight for all Pennsylvanians.”
A trial attorney with more than 35 years practicing law inside the courtroom, Heidelbugh is the first Republican woman nominee to appear on the ticket for Attorney General in Pennsylvania.
A partner at her Pittsburgh law firm and former Republican councilwoman at-large on Allegheny County Council, Heidelbaugh views the office of Attorney General as a destination, not a stepping stone, and contrary to her opponent, has pledged not to run for Governor if elected in November.




Bold Gold Forum is on hiatus. But when they come back after the Coronavirus situation, tune in Sunday morning at 6 on 94.3 The Talker; 6:30 on 1400-The Game, NEPA's Fox .Sports Radio and 106.7 fm; and at 7:30 on 105 The River.

The growing problem of addiction dominated the front page and news headlines until the virus pandemic hit. This week on ectv's PREVIEW host David DeCosmo speaks with Martin Henehan who is with the newest agency dealing with substance abuse in Lackawanna County to se how the virus scare has impacted rehabilitation efforts in the area.
PREVIEW is seen 3 times daily on Comcast channel 19 and on the electric city television YouTube page.


Want to hear some great parodies on the news? Tune in to WILK Radio at 6:20 and 8:20 AM on Mondays. As Ralph Cramden used to say, “It’s a laugh riot!”



Our 1980 logo.
Rioting broke out at the Cuban refugee center at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas after 200 of the persons stationed inside broke through the front gates and threw rocks at soldiers and local law enforcement officers. At least 15 officers were injured, along with four refugees and a civilian. The refugees retreated after troopers fired 20 shots from pistols and shotguns…… Charles C. Diggs, the first African American elected to Congress from Michigan (in 1955) and the longest-serving black U.S. Representative up until that time, resigned from Congress one day after losing the appeal of his 1978 conviction on 11 counts of mail fraud and filing false payroll form….. n primary elections for the Democratic Party in eight U.S. states, Democratic challenger Teddy Kennedy defeated President Jimmy Carter in California, New Jersey, Rhode Island and South Dakota, but Carter's wins in Ohio, West Virginia, New Mexico and Montana yielded him 334 delegates, putting him past the 1,666 needed to capture the nomination on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention….. For the first time since it was erected in 1886, the Statue of Liberty sustained damage from a bomb. The explosion happened oat 7:25 in the evening, 70 minutes after the last ferry boat of tourists had left. Nobody was injured, but the bomb destroyed several exhibits in a museum in the base of the statue…. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Film Company (MGM) and the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) announced the formation of MGM-CBS Home Video, a joint venture to sell VHS and Betamax videotapes, and video discs, of many of MGM's 1,600 films and CBS's television shows for customers to view at home on their own television sets…. Fifteen hours before his scheduled execution in the electric chair, convicted murderer Jack Howard Potts changed his mind about an earlier refusal to appeal his death sentence. Potts, who had murdered an auto mechanic in 1973, was on death row at the Georgia State Prison in Reidsville, Georgia, and was scheduled to be electrocuted the morning at 10:00, after a federal judge concluded that there was no basis for a stay of execution. The electrocution would have been the first use of capital punishment in Georgia in more than 15 years. The U.S. state of Georgia would resume executions in 1983. After Potts made his decision at 7:08 p.m. to let the American Civil Liberties Union appeal the death warrant, he lived for 25 more years before dying of liver cancer on September 2, 2005 at a prison hospital…. Soyuz T-2 was launched from the Soviet Union with cosmonauts Yury Malyshev and Vladimir Aksyonov and docked with the Salyut 6 space station. "Two cosmonauts launched in new-model Soyuz. The launch marked the first manned mission using the new Soyuz-T spacecraft that was equipped with a newer computer system that allowed the cosmonauts to more independence from ground control at Baikonur. Malyshev and Aksyonov returned to Earth four days later after undocking from the space station…..and forty years ago the number one song in LuLac land and America was “Coming Up” by Paul McCartney.


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