Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 172, September 17th, 2024




After the last debate a week ago today, there was a a lot of attention directed at Donald Trump’s comments about Springfield, Haitian, and the eating of cats and dogs. It was an amazing statement coming from this clearly crazy man.

Jokes and memes ensued. Even people on opposite sides agreed it was ludicrous. Any normal politician would have walked it back or tried to just chalk it up as a bad moment. But not Trump. He doubled down on it and perpetuated the lie even when it was debunked by city and state authorities.

But this was not a mistake. This remark first excused as plain silliness had all the components of a Trump attack tactic. It included a population of color, immigration, fear for people’s most prized possessions.  (ie dogs and cats) and constant repetition. The big lie, like most of them told was immigration They are ILLEGALS the cult members cried. When it was debunked, it didn’t matter to the cult members.

Remember when you and your pals were having so much fun, a parents would say “stop you’re going to poke your eye out?”  Well, this was fun for a while but then the laughter stopped when residents of Springfield. Ohio had school closings because of bomb threats. The Haitians all of sudden after being welcomed had to start looking over their shoulder.

This incident has mot become a reminder that the rhetoric of Trump has divided this country. The people of Ohio are now victims of the political lie machine.

Remember this. January 6th’s insurrection started with a slow burn. Conspiracy theories stoked the cult members to a fever pitch.  This comment first made with no truth is the foundation for a new January 6th.

J.D. Vance even admitted even as much Sunday on not one but THREE networks! .But this speech has gotten the crazies all riled up.  Think this is extreme to compare cats and dogs to January 6th?

Answer this question. Bomb threats? School closings due to violence? A community that was humming along now has an excuse to hate? As does the nation?      

Now Trump and his cult thugs are blaming the assassination attempts on Democrats who he says incites violence. That is a typical bully tactic. Trump started it all and has not stopped.

Like all  things MAGA, ACCUSATION IS CONFESSION. Trump is all about retribution. This comments is the mini January 6trh we’d fear would never happen.   It did because of one calculated hateful man disguised as a buffoon.

It's okay for Trump to yell Lock her "sleepy" and okay to say to the Vice President "you put out" but oh the little baby is such a snowflake that he has to blame Democrats   for his disregard.

Exactly 49 years ago President Gerald Ford was nearly assassinated TWICE! In the aftermath of the attempts, did he blame Democrats, people of color, a town minding its own brassiness, do yoiu know what Ford did? 

 He thanked the Lord, kissed his wife and had a big bowl of Butter Pecan Ice Cream. 

 See Ford was a man, a veteran, a great college athlete,  Trump is a whining out of control BABY.  (With apologies to all children under 23 months!)




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