Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 175, September 24th, 2024




It was announced that the Luzerne County Republican party has obtained a registration edge in the people who consider themselves Republicans.Now this is the first time in 54 years that this happened.

The MAGA chest thumpers are making a big deal about this and taking credit (much like Trump did when Obama left him a recovered economy in 2016) for this win.

A few things:

1.     The registration edge us 83 votes. Not overwhelming.

2.     The biggest rise in registration was for Independents who tend to be thoughtful and deliberative. They look at events and things with facts, not emotion. The direct opposite of a MAGA crazies.

3.     This increase in the party has been gradual. The two guys who built the foundation for this house were P.J. Pribula and Joe Valenti. They both gave disgruntled Democrats a home under the GOP tent. They stood by their beliefs and were inclusive. Again everything the MAGA run party is not.

Most likely Trump will win Luzerne County but not by much.

Most likely Trump will lose this election elsewhere. If he decides to do a reprise of 2020, inciting insurrection, it will be the death of this once proud party of Lincoln.

Enjoy the “landslide” guys. It ain;’t gonna last forever.





Drop Box Gloating


The removal of drop boxes in Luzerne County due to threats of violence is being celebrated by local MAGA supporters, including members of the Citizens Advisory of Pennsylvania and Election Board member Alyssa Fusaro. The Citizens Advisory group has been rallying its members to disrupt both Election Board and County Council meetings.

You may recall that the Republican majority on the County Council appointed Fusaro to the Election Board primarily because she opposed drop boxes. After a previous disruption caused by Fusaro in the election office, a motion to remove her was conveniently dismissed. They claim they are fighting for “election integrity,” but it appears their efforts are more about “voter suppression,” as mail-in ballots historically favor Democrats. Not to mention, Trump has repeatedly criticized mail-in voting as detrimental to his interests.

 For more on this issue, check out this County office of law Fusaro report PDF report.



Ray of Sunshine


Some wonderful soul put Harris/Walz signs over the vulgar, tasteless signs the cleaning lady at 56 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre put up with the building owner’s permission. They were there all weekend. I understand that a wise, rational person with the city may have had a hand in getting all the signs removed as of today!

One correction on this photo: The owner and management of this building did not know that the cleaning person put the signs up. They have been removed.

Removed or not, these signs tell you the mentality and jack booted thinking process of these thugs. They are cowardly lizards who are unpatriotic to the core. If these slime balls were ever identified, they should be charged in court  for defamation of an interest group and election and voter intimidation. Plus vandalism.


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