Thursday, August 20, 2009

The LuLac Edition #913, Aug. 20th, 2009

SNAPPLE "REAL FACT" #114, the oldest known animal was a tortosise which lived to be 152 years old.



I am really getting sick and tired of the misinformation being bandied about by the opponents of Health Care Reform. The other day I actually heard someone on the radio say that there were people out there who were abusing the health care system for their own amusement. Yes, he said amusement. He said that people make up symptoms and go to the doctor and emergency room just because they take great delight in ripping off the medical system. He cited senior citizens who have no social life and go from doctor to doctor because they are lonely. He then talked about mothers who brought their kids into the emergency room for any little reason. He talked about patients who went from care giver to care giver because they loved the attention taking medical tests gave them. What an idiot!
Let’s talk common sense here. You are a senior citizen. You have medical care in case something goes wrong. With all of the social options open to seniors today, you think they want to make a sport of going to the doctors?
You are a young mother. It’s a beautiful sunny day and your child is playing in the yard, park or at a beach. The child cuts him or herself on something and the bleeding is pretty bad. Yeah, you woke up that morning and decided, “How am I going to screw over the American health care system today?”
Last week I went for a Catscan. It was ordered by my doctor to make sure the cancer I was diagnosed with last summer is at bay. The night before and the morning of I needed to drink a “contrast” drink for the test. It tasted like burnt chalk. I began my day at 9AM going to the Oncology Center to have them access my port. (I have horrible veins). I then went to the Saxton Pavilion and had two people put me in a machine, injecting three types of dye in me that flushed my face. They contorted my body and told me to hold my breath. After the test, I had to go back to the Oncology Center and have the port de-accessed. When I was through it was 12:30PM. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am grateful to be alive, thankful for the wonderful people who administered the test and glad that things seemed pretty good. (I wish the $225.00 co-pay, I’ll have 4 of them this year at that rate were tax deductible but you can’t have everything). But does this radio host actually think I had fun? Does he think that maybe I might have had something better to do with my time? Believe me, I can do a lot in three hours. And after I was finished, I didn’t have the desire to do it again until I have to. Trivializing people and marginalizing them in this health care debate is really stupid and is going to backfire. These conservative right wingers who “have theirs” have no sense of decency and conscience. And the sad part is that they are looked up to by not very smart citizens who parrot their views as their own. And unfortunately, this area is the worst when it comes to the term “my un”. Ever hear someone use that colloquialism in place of the word “mine”? “Don’t you touch that fence, it's “my un”. That parking space is “my un”. “I got “my un”, now you get yours!” Hey, Valley with a Heart, why not worry about your neighbor once in a while!
Anyway, here’s the LuLac Health Care Challenge. Bring to me a person who actually loves going to the doctor or hospital for sport, who gets off wasting the time of health care professionals, who will give up a beautiful summer day outside to sit in a waiting room somewhere for care! I have yet in my 5 decades of life met anyone like that. Bring one to me and I’ll give them a reward right here on the spot. Prove to me that they exist. They don’t. Like so many lies and distortions in this health care debate, this is still another in a long line of lies and untruths being told.


I’m also sick and tired of hearing how the left protested the Iraq War with people like Cindy Sheehan. When people protested against the Iraq War, they were put in protest zones and areas blocks away from the President. (Maybe they felt the protesters would impede Mr. Bush’s search for Weapons of Mass Destruction!) Another big difference is that anti war protestors never carried side arms or fire arms strapped to their thighs. Health care protestors did exactly that. Maybe their health plan didn’t give them enough Viagra!


I am sick and tired of hearing how much money the health care reform will cost. It’ll bankrupt our future. NEWSFLASH: We have been bankrupted and the pigs on Wall Street did that already. And speaking of spending, where were you when the previous administration was spending 30 billion a month on a war that essentially was assassinating our troops with road side bombs? Good enough to go into debt for that but not enough to provide health care?


The last resort of a coward with little or no information is to refer to someone as a Nazi or invoke the name Hitler. Both are highly charged words that bring up connotations of fear and loathing. At a town hall meeting, take a look at what this piece of human trash masquerading as an American said to the Congressman Barney Frank; and check out how he responded.


Who won the last election exactly? I understand it was the Democratic Party. Who controls the House and Senate? Uh, the Democrats. It is time for the White House to go it alone on health care. No more bi partisanship, no more kissing the asses of the Republicans. No matter what you do in this health care debate, the Republican Party will run against you. That’s what they do. Your Blue Dogs are nothing but a bunch of people interested in straddling the middle. They’ll tell you they want to study the issue, to take more time and get it right. You are the party of Franklin Roosevelt (Social Security), Hubert Humphrey (Civil Rights) John Kennedy (The Space Program) Lyndon Johnson (Equal Housing Act of 1965) and Harry Truman (Integration of the Military). All these men were engineers of social change. This is your chance to stand with those men whose actions have become indispensable to our every day life. Or will you be the legislators of non consequence preserving the mediocrity and anonymity you so richly deserve? By my calculations the Health Care Legislation can pass in the House. There are currently 256 members of the Democratic party. There are 178 Republican members. They tell me there are 50 blue dog House Members. But let’s say there are 25 more in this pathetic little organization of cowards. The Legislation can pass 181-178. In the Senate, they can get 55 votes, maybe less. My question is this: what are we waiting for? The New England Patriots won three Super Bowls. In each game they won it by just 3 points. No one remembers the margin of victory, but what they do remember is that they had enough on those three days to win. When that unemployed worker is getting affordable health care, when that poor child is getting early care, when premiums become competitive, no one is going to give a shit if the legislation was enacted on a bi partisan basis. No one will ask because no one will care. Just pass it. 57% of people want a government option, I don't think they care how you get there, they just want you to do what you promised. Losing the Blue Dogs might mean that maybe your party is finally standing for something.


I was a Hillary Clinton supporter. My friend Gort and other bloggers said this guy (Obama) was different. A former state Democratic committee person and political wise man Bob Caruso told me Obama would be the epitome of change. I was won over when Obama said he was willing to be a one term President if he enacted fundamental change. Let’s see it happen. Let's see him take a risk.


Thomas Jefferson said, “One man with courage is a majority.” Mr. Obama, you have more than one person in the Congress on your side, GO BIG OR GO BACK TO ILLINOIS.


At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, finally, finally...someone who is telling it like it is. Take off the gloves, let the dithering ditto heads and middling blue doggies stutter and stammer and ponder into the next century. Man up, do it now. If you have a majority and you don't use it for good, you deserve to have a 1994 happen to you all over again.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The summer recess did exactly what the GOP intended. Spread lies and untruths about providing good health care. Do it now or we'll find people who will.

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Todays angry LuLac is on target!
I too am pissed off and fed up and agree with you 100%. I have little to add only agreement and support. The GOP cooperation effort lasted about as long as it to to mouth the words. They still cant believe they lost and to OBama at that. The valley with a heart is a bunch of pure bullshit!These assholes fight over parking places in the city streeets.
Mi un is the key word around here. Nationally its "Ive got healthcare,
screw you if you dont". Mi un sucks but I wanna keep it! The worst are the good christians. I wonder what health care plan the bishop has? Nuff said!

Pete Cassidy

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Your friend and political sparing partner said...

Hi Dave
Agree with much of what you wrote. You will NEVER see universal health care in this country, for the same reason republicans never passed a flat tax or a consumption tax, the same reason that republicans never did anything to slow down or halt abortions. Healthcare is a wedge issue, if they pass it they can no longer run on it.... They have been trying to get universal health care in this country since Truman. The Clinton's were not the first to try. As long as we have two parties nothing will get done. Some day all the Pollyannas will understand, it isn't about country first, it is about party first, the party allows them to run unopposed and with enough cash to win.

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, I love the viagra comment. My ex husband used to carry around his gun constantly. That and his inability to, well you know use his real weapon led to my divorce. I think he tried to use Viagra once but thought it was a suppository. Nice job today.

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The writer is correct. It is time for all Legislators to stand up. Obama may not have made the smoothest presentation and might have been too clever by half....but this is a two party system. Gone are the days of cooperation between Tip O'Neill and Ronald reagan. the GOP in the 90s with Tom "Dancing Man" Delay and that big goof Dick Armey have made it about war. The Dems have to realize that and understand that no matter what they do, it will never be enough for the GOP. Witness Chuck Grassley. Right on point Yonk.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Coal Region Voice said...

Change Blue Dogs to Blue Dicks and make it stick?

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Delay on "Dancing With the Stars?" How about putting Chris Carney on there too. The way he tap danced around the questions yesterday on WILK made me sick I even voted for the guy. Oh and by the way, are we supposed to give him some gold star for reading the bill? That's why we pay him, to be our representative!

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so correct. That radio host you were talking about was Mikey Savage. I heard this pathetic rant and just shut it off. No sane person wants to go to a doctor and waste all the time and effort it takes. No one likes to be sick. And yet they say people are over using the system. THe other poster who spoke about the parking spaces was on point too. We are such an area of jealous human beings here. We want to hold on to our shit. And it is shit. We have a Chamber in both counties that offer us $9.00 an hour jobs, we have representatives who won't meet us face to face, we have health care companies that raise our rates and deductables just because they can. But it's our shit and don't you dare try to take it away from me. And that is why we are a national and international joke.

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article and some good postings
so far today. People are just fed up and its time to act up! The Brits had it right on Savage. Complete fool and troublemaker.
Blue Cross has money to give away and a surplus so they need to up rates! Why not double Sen Mellows pay for sitting on the board? The word My Un has always typified this area. As another poster said, Its my shit and I want to keep every piece of it for me. That includes long term politicians.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go, guy! What lit your fuse?

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the problem is too many of this new blue dogs think they were born on third base and hit a triple. They have no clue who the great Democrats were, all they care about is sucking up to the Republicans. Say what you want about Kanjo but he is true to his roots.

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas Jefferson did not serve in the Revolutionary War. He spent his time in Virginia. He also wrote that all men are created equal and you know the rest...
I think overall Jefferson is overated!

Sergeant Warden (Again)

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I've been reading your blog lately since Gort mentioned it and its great. I am all for single payer or short of that a robust public option on healthcare so I can appreciate your point of view. I wanted to mention that your math is wrong for the house bill. If we loose the 50 blue dems and they vote no it is dead. The house does not seem like it is going to be the problem. Sen Durbin was quoted indicating that the Prez told him to get any kind of bill passed through the Senate and they will get the public option back in conference. The reason it is so tough to get legislation through is because we need the right people to move it through subcommittee, two full committees, the full vote and then conference. So even though we have a 60-40 majority without supporters in the right places (chairmen and leadership) it is very tough fight. Thats why no bill isn't bipartisan.
Congressman Carney said he is one of the Blue Dogs slowing down this legislation. I would like to remind him that every 24 seconds someone dies in this country of something that could've been prevented if they had health insurance.

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barney Frank gets my vote for Man of the Year. What else can you say to a woman who calls a black man and a Jew, Nazis! Barney has balls and I for one like the SOB!

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

blue dog democrats are the dem party equivilant of RINO's in the republican party... Carney has no stones whatsoever. the little twerp has backed off of many things he promised us liberals and he will not get my vote again, nor my money

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey WArden....Jefferson over rated? Man oh man, there is something malfunctioning in that head of yours. I bet you're a Warren Harding type of guy or maybe a Millard Fillmore afficienado.

At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Yonk, a little off topic here but I guess it involves health and wellness. You see the set of jugs on one of those women they arrested in WB Twp. for beating up those 2 people the other day? Now that's a healthy chick.

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am offended by the remark of 236pm calling Chris Carney a little twerp. I think maybe a cowering, inactive, duplicitous little twerp would be more like it.

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if health care is not passed with a government option, you are going to see everyone in office now thrown out. And don't tell me about the cost, we had moron boy running up deficits in Iraq and we were told if we protested we were against the troops. I'm sick of being told what I want from government is bad. And how about that stupid piece of crap trying to duel with Barney boy? She should have lived under Hitler's rule. She'd last a good 10 seconds before a bullet was going down her purty lil mouth.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, you might not print this but I'll try to ask you this question. I've read you, Gort, Mark Cour and Doc Leonardi as well as the guy who ran for State Senate in the 20th a few years back. You are all well read and intelligent men. Yet I have dealt with representatives from Kanjorski's office, Musto's office, Carney's office, Sherwood's office, Rendell's office and Casey's office. Why don't they hire comon sense guys like you people instead of the wet behind the ears syncophants that nod yes, yes, yes and do nuthin, nuthin., nuthin'?

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous RAIN MAN said...


I agree with your analysis of the health care situation. Unfortunately I am not very hopeful that anything substantial will get passed even if the President tries to lean on the senate. There hasn't been a Democratic President that was able to control his own party since LBJ.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant comparison to the Patriots Super Bowl wins. All that counted was that they won. Just get it done.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Why don't they hire comon sense guys like you people

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Gort said...

We don't want the job.

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only one of the politicians mentioned by 5:09 whose office responded to a request in my experience was Sherwood. He wasnt even my congressman at the time. After being ignored by Kanjorski's office, I tried Sherwood and it got handled no problem. Too bad the T-Town Donald had other problems like supporting Bush and a Bimbo girlfriend. He could have held that seat forever. I too voted for Carney and am not pleased with his performance. He's another Wussie Democrat!

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, again you are 100% correct in the reading of this thing. These guys need to learn that a majority makes a win. Nice guys finish last.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your point here is typical of the bleeding heart, 1960s liberal that you are. The time you grew up in the 60s was not the golden age, it was a time or immoral behavior and the end of the God like nation as we know it. You and your precious 60s were not that special.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

The time you grew up in the 60s was not the golden age, it was a time or immoral behavior and the end of the God like nation as we know it.

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only Obama were as ruthless with the Blue Dogs as he was with Hillary Clinton. I guess he enjoyed beating up on a girl while he high tails and runs from the boys.

At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruthless is as Ruthless does. So he was ruthless with the Queen of Ruth. Thats the game. Hillary scored a pretty important gig in the Administration. Had she won out you'd have had Eddie Rendell
and Mayor Doherty possibly in important positions. Yikes!

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People around here are the most ignorant and selfish human beings on the face of the earth. They talk about how they help everyone but can't even control their own lives. Is it any wonder we have high schoool kids acting like the godfather movies and grandma and grandpa are watching (studies show that in Luzerne County alone 46% of grandparents are raising their grand kids) their kid's kids because the teenage mom couldn't keep her legs closed and her self esteem on a higher plane. I got "my un" and you can't have it. Who the hell would want it? Keep it.

At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what I just don't understand. We have a health care system that is not working. Americans if they are lucky enough to have health care must contribute to it. Up until 20 years ago that was unheard of. What you have could be better. Please give this a chance. Or do you want to be under the thumb of the big insurance companiues?

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you have spent time with doctors when they let their guard down - golf course, poker table, Vegas poolside - and listened you would thing the Savage rant was off-base, it's NOT.

My own grandma, didn't rip off the system but used the doctor to fill in the loneliness and depression of old age.

While not everyone fits the Savage profile of the rip offs, know that like the 'my fault' insurance scams, these thing DO occur.

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Dr. Joe Leonardi said...

I would work for any of our local elected officials regardless of party. If my assistance can help our citizens I would do it. I have much the same attitude I did when I was in the military. I was not serving the man who was the President of the United States, I was serving the Office of the President and in turn the American People.



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