The LuLac Edition #1110, Mar. 3rd, 2010

The Democratic Executive committee of Lackawanna County went back to the future when they endorsed their candidate for State Senator. Former County Commissioner Joe Corcoran won the endorsement. Now there are people who say that Corcoran’s last term problems with the prison might come back to haunt him. But as I have pointed out here hundreds of times, there was only a 200 vote difference between Joe Corcoran and Bob Cordaro on Election Night 2003. As a matter of fact, Cordaro and Munchak were convinced they had lost the chance for the majority until the final returns were in. During his twenty years as Commissioner Corcoran oversaw the development of Montage Mountain, its business park as well as being instrumental in launching the Lackawanna County Stadium. He might have hired micro managers to make sure things ran smoothly. And a lot of his political flunkies might not have been qualified for the jobs they held. But somehow things got done. Those same friends and former workers are now in the wilderness and are only too willing to help Corcoran make a comeback. This race has the potential to become a niche race with the Doherty faction of the party getting a piece, the Corcoran wing, the Wansacz people going in another direction and others splitting the difference. You might see less than one thousand votes separate the winner from the loser.
The Lackawanna county committee gave Auditor General Jack Wagner a leg up and endorsed him for Governor. Wagner had made a decent impression in 2002 when he ran as Ltn. Governor in the primary with Robert Casey.
The Wilkes Barre Area School board did not pick Harry Haas as a new member of the board. They did not pick Peter Gagliardi of Wilkes Barre either. Nor did they pick the most logical person with prior board experience Dr. Jim Susek. They did pick Wilkes Barre Township Council member Gary Polakoski. He becomes the first board member from Wilkes Barre Township since Barbara Youngblood served on the panel. I guess the pick is okay, I heard the guy on Sue Henry today and he sounded sincere enough. And of course he gave the standard Wilkes Barre Township line about how much taxes they contribute to the area. Valid point but most of that development in Wilkes Barre Township that provides such bounty was fought tooth and nail (the Arena is a prime example) by those same chest thumping residents. We wish Mr. Polakoski luck and hope he votes no once in a while and doesn’t get co-opted like some “mavericks” did.
The Citizen Voice reports that A labor organization that represents the printing trade is investigating allegations that Wilkes-Barre Area School Board member Christine Katsock improperly used a union label on campaign material.
Robert Corcoran of Airmont Printing in Plains Township said he contacted the Allied Printing and Trades Association after he discovered Katsock had included Corcoran’s union printing label – which indicated he had printed the document – on campaign material Katsock utilized during the May 2009 primary.
The problem, Corcoran said, is he did not print the material and did not give Katsock permission to use his label. As a union shop, the label is licensed exclusively to him and any use of it without his permission could be considered a violation of trademark laws. Good luck with trying to get a comment from the formerly loquacious Ms. Katsock.
Exeter Borough stopped the building of a Wal Mart Super Store. So the land on Wyoming Avenue is going to sit empty. You know what really pisses me off? People bitch about how companies don’t want to locate here and how we can’t get any jobs. But yet when a company expresses interest what does Exeter Borough do? Say no. I mean what are they protecting in that little town? And where was the coed Mayor in all of this? To all my friends in Exeter: this one’s for you.
Sorry, sir, but I find your use of adjective for the Exeter mayor to be a little demeaning, no pun intended--criticize her for her job performance or on her political skill, that is fair, but avoid negative implications that only have connotations relatong to her youth and gender please.
I agree we need progress and more business and jobs, but we must make sure that the businesses we bring in are quality businesses that treat their workers fairly and bring a net positive more than they do a negative. Walmart is notorious for being anti-labor, and part of the reason they are so profitable is because they sell cheaply produced goods from overseas that are not manufactured in America--that doesn't sound like a lot of positive to me. I agree with the decision of Exeter Borough. Do we really need a Walmart in every single town up and down the river (that would just continue to drive small locally owned and operated business OUT of business, by the way). That would be a joke the way that its a joke in places like Arlington, VA for a Starbucks to unnecessarily be on every corner.
The funniest thing in Exter is that your beloved cousin was leading the charge against it.
Exeter Borough stopped the building of a Wal Mart Super Store.
Mabe they would like to see a landfull on the land!!! Three cheers for the Exeter First Team, BO BO BO.
Exeter had a very good reason for not wanting the WalMart to locate there and supply many, many, very badly needed jobs and tax revenues, They didn't want the ambiance to be disturbed of the fine trailer park there. Probably all the other historic and esthetically beautiful scenery of the greater Exeter area might too be affected. I guess they'll be bitching about the economy and how bad things are and how they're not getting any better next. Leave it to the Po-Dunks to come up with all the advanced ideas to improve their area.
I had dealings with Corcoran. He is an arrogant jerk! Once again the area goes backward to the old boy system we seem to love so much.
How many pensions will this clown get in the end? You cant bring about change when the people dont want it. Thats NEPA.
Mr Potter was a fictional character. Bunning is just a miserable old prick! He was previously a miserable young one.
Talented but who ever said he was smart or civil? People in his district questioned his sanity last time out and with good reason.
Kentucky sure has two losers as representatives.
Big Joe will now have State prisoners doing his yard work!
Vote for Jack, Back Jack
Hey, 7:15
thats really fuuny! or is it?
Lackawanna County Guy
Corcoran didn't even announce his interest so was that endorsement a sign of back room politics or what? Shame on those people for overlooking the mayor. He has proved he can do the job by getting Scranton back on the road to stabilization. I'm voting for the mayor.
Wow Yonk. What a sexist comment. I agree with you thought about Walmart. It would have replaced a trailer park. The heck with the jobs it would have brought, we all know Walmart is not a career track. But the diners, the restaurants, ice cream stand and other non walmart competitors would have had a great up tick in traffic. O shit, sorry, small minded heynas never see the big picture.
Okay, I think if we really probed Yonk on his comment "coed", I'd think you'd find he was using that word as a substitute for something much harsher he was thinking. Look the Mayor of Exeter became the Mayor of Exeter because her grandfather said he wanted it that way when he was ill. I am so sorry for his circumstances and I undersatand he was a good man but onoly in Luzerne County could an office, however so small or insignificant could be willed and have clear thinking people accept it. My grandfather was an Executive at one of the big banks in this area but he certainly couldn't or wouldn't will his job to me no matter how much I loved United Penn Bank! But small town politics is not big business or even small business and you only have to look at Council's actions to know that.
Okay, I think if we really probed Yonk on his comment "coed", I'd think you'd find he was using that word as a substitute for something much harsher he was thinking.
Hey 6:38am: Yonki has more cousins than a Lebanese tent maker!!!! There are his cousins, the people who want to be his cousins, the people who think they're his cousins, the people who wish they were his just goes on and on.
To those who think that a big, box store occupying such a small plot of land would benefit Exeter please think of those ramnifications. That land is in the Hicks creek watershed area and even though Walmart had said it would help with the runoff, try and explain that to hundreds of residents whose homes are flooded in times of high water.What about traffic congestion, what about how it would negatively effect our present grocery, pharmacy, bakery stores etc... Consider the fact that Exeter boro's zoning map has not been updated since 1950's and its ordinances are powerless, steps must be taken by exeter council to update the ordinances so council has some say in what can and cannot be built in Exeter to protect itself from self serving big businesses. Progess we all want but not at the mercy of whatever a developer wants to build. Just check out the neighborhood on RT. 315 where Zamais dev. is building and then make your decision if you want Exeter to look like that area.
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