Sunday, April 24, 2011

The LuLac Edition #1564, April 24th, 2011



Just an important reminder....the spring BlogFest will be held on Friday April 29th from 6pm to 8pm at Rooney's Pub in downtown Pittston. Stop by and meet the bloggers, the posters, the pretenders, the readers, the candidates, the media and anyone interested in talking politics. County Council and Judicial candidates from Luzerne County are especially invited as well as candidates running in the all important Lackawanna County Commissioners race. Plus any other candidate, school board, borough, township councils....all invited.
It's a cash bar and there are no speeches. And positively everyone, everyone is invited. Plus, if you are a candidate and have a conflicting event, either come early or show up a little later. There will be lots of cameras.
David Yonki The LuLac Political Letter
Joe Valenti Pittston


Earlier in the year I spoke with a political consultant who told me that the candidates for County Council had to answer some fundamental questions, like who they were,, what they stood for and what they thought of the people and government in Luzerne County. Mike Giamber who is running for the Council has a few questions of his own for the voting public he hopes will elect him to one of those seats.
Last November’s triumphant home rule election symbolized an end of a corrupt-laden government as well as a beginning for renewed hope. The adoption of home rule sent a clear message to those who misrepresented us for years that the citizens of Luzerne County are still in charge.
On May 17, 2011 the citizens of Luzerne County will once again take control by casting their vote in the primary election.
Batter Up ... Second inning. Can we hit another home run by making sure the right people get elected for County Council?
A difficult task, I know, but well worth the investment.
Forty nine candidates are running for council. Whew! We have a cornucopia of candidates that range from home rule haters to working class heroes.
How do we separate the slate from the coal?
May I suggest you ask the following 10 questions.
1. Who has actually read and understands the home rule charter?
2. Who attended the weekly home rule meeting, offered suggestions and comments?
3. Who volunteered to sit-on or assist the home rule transition committee or subcommittees?
4. Who has government policy making experience?
5. Who understands the role of county council under home rule?
6. Who has a hidden agenda?
7. Who can devote adequate time to this monumental task of forming a new government?
8. Who has real world experience that can make a difference?
9. Who can we trust to be honest and ethical?
10. Who can think out of the box?
This election really is a big deal. Think hard before you vote. Your future tax burden depends on it.


Democratic candidates John Wansacz and Brian Jefferrs are on the air with their spots for County Commissioner. Here’s a sampling.


Tom Borthwick the dynamic candidate for Scranton School Board recently spoke to the board about the education cutbacks thrown at the district by the Corbett administration. Here’s what he had to say:


Welcome to veteran newsman Dave DeCosmo who has joined the ranks of us bloggers. When Dave was on the road reporting the news, he knew just about everything. Young reporters were urged to soak up his knowledge. A few of us wistfully wondered what would happen if he ever wrote down everything he knew in that head of his. Well, we’re about to find out. Here’s his link.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Giamber is a gas leaser. The gambled this beautiful land by Ricketts Glenn State Park by leasing to Encana. The jobs he wants to bring to Luzerne County are for out of state gas men. Do we want a person with no regard for our health and quality of life to run the county?

At 5:17 PM, Blogger David DeCosmo said...

David, Thanks for the mention of my new blog. It's just an experiment wit me. But, as I told you via email, I was inspired by your efforts which I try to read every day.
I'm not so sure how much I'll be able to offer. But as a news reporter I couldn't offer any personal thoughts. Not that I expect to be serious. Most of the time things, usually very strange, pop into my mind and it seems like a blog offers a place to set them free. So I'll give it a try!

At 10:04 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Mike Giamber is a gas leaser. The gambled this beautiful land by Ricketts Glenn State Park by leasing to Encana. The jobs he wants to bring to Luzerne County are for out of state gas men. Do we want a person with no regard for our health and quality of life to run the county?

At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yonk, the longest journey begins with a single step. Yes it is one lease beacuase that's all Giamber could get. If he had 10 parcels, he would have 10 leases as he would if he had 100. Do we want a member of the Council who has an absolutle vested interest in gas leases? Really Yonk, I expected more from you. As for attending Charter meetings and offering suggestions, you have got to be kidding me. Haggerty ran those meetings in such a way that the public was not allowed to ask any member a quuestion. Is that reform and open government? Let's face it Yonk, you wanted Home Rule and you voted for this inept Charter and now you seem to be supporting Giamber or at the least, your po po his involvement in gas leases. Sometimes you make me wonder just what the hell makes you tick. Bottom line, the Charter as it stands is not a good form of government and Giamber with his stands is not a good candidates for County Council. I will not vote for Giamber and I hope that you wake up and also not vote for Giamber.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just catching up on my reading and all I can say is WOW! You're off the wall on this one Dave, We really and truly don't need anyone on the county council who holds a gas lease. I understand that the WVSA will not be accepting fracking waste water and that was scheduled to be 1 million gallons of toxic waste each and every day. Now consider that for every 5 gallons of water/chemical mix pumped into the ground, only 1 gal is recovered. So if they want to deliver 1 million gallons a day from the dump site, that means that 4 million gallons a day remain underground. WTF? What don't you understand about that Dave? You should be asking voters to not even consider people like Giamber for County Council and to not do so is a terrible error on your part.


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