Monday, January 09, 2017

The LuLac Edition #3400, January 9th, 20107

LU LAC @ 3400

(Logo: slideplayer)
LULAC @ 3400

Today marks the 3400th edition of The LuLac Political Letter. We thank you all for reading, supporting, disagreeing and keeping the political fires burning.
This year, hell this month, should be interesting.
With Providence's grace, decent health and a resolve to keep on going, on to Edition # 3500.

NIXON @ 104 
Today would have been Richard Nixon's 104th birthday. I always bring Nixon up because he was a politician, and President who was part of my youth and then my coming of age. My high school classmates will tell you that when Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey, I was very sad. But one thing, unlike this year, that gave me hope was that I knew Nixon understood the Presidency.  He understood the world. The study of Nixon might be instructive as we go into the Trump era of Presidential politics. One of Nixon signature creations, the Environmental Protection Agency will most likely be diminished by the partisans in the crooked, self serving perverted GOP Congress of "no".  Trump seems to have no interesting in defending anything but himself.
Back to the comparisons. Both can be compared on a number of levels. Lack of self esteem manifested in different ways, propensity for secrecy all the while proclaiming transparency, a prosecution complex as well as minds, while brilliant in their own ways, well it can be said that the behavior was just not normal.
Pick up a book on Nixon, he was flawed yet sympathetic in many ways.
He was the only President to resign.
Let us hope that whatever is causing our new President to take petulant shots at people who disagree, just stops.
The glory and end of Richard Nixon just might be an instructive book for him to read......listen to. 
As for you my faithful readers, here is a fascinating take on the above from the  LGBTQ Nation.



At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yonki ... Yonki ... Yonki...
Sometimes I love you, sometimes I hate you.
Keep on keepin on!

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 3400.

As we begin 3400 PLUS, a little reminder and review for posters past, present and future.

Yonki is a liberal democrat. It is in his DNA. As a political analyst his blog is and always will be a vehicle for presenting his opinion and commentary shaded by his left leaning slant on things.

DNA can not be altered except by damage or generational evolution. He will not accept anything that
contradicts his liberal programming and responses. Much like Reed and Pelosi.

In other words: you can't teach a pig to sing, you will become frustrated and it only annoys the pig.

In order to advance, an analyst must shade his comments in the direction of those who employ him. This is
not something written or discussed outright but noticed and learned by any analyst with a need to remain and prosper in the field.

Yonk supported and promoted Wolfie, a businessman who could use his business skills to make Pennsylvania great again. While Yonk was not rewarded with a poli-plum per se, he parlayed his position and support into
a greater TV presence and is regularly called to the studios for liberal-democrat comment when such is needed.

There are those who read this blog, do not agree yet don't express their disagreement. There are those
who read this blog, do not agree and express their disagreement.

Fear not, post your thoughts and continue to hold his feet to the fire knowing that while he has chastised posters for being brutally rude to Obama, he will on occasion display the same behavior towards Trump, The South, conservatives and Republicans. This is how he renews his membership in "the club."

Understand that "echo chambers" are not exclusive to those who oppose liberal philosophy.

With the liberal democrats and their philosphy being soundly trounced, expect fireworks at every turn as they seek to sabotage and torpedo the president-elect's efforts to respond to the concerns of those who voted him in.

Yonk will be no exception in such a target-rich environment.

At 8:42 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Yonki is a liberal democrat.


Thank you for your post. One correction, I am a Liberal in the sense that I favor inclusiveness, fair wages, a chance for people to make advances both economically and socially and think that businesses should not exploit workers.

I am a Democrat in the sense that most of the national candidates I voted for were of that party. But in the past I have voted for Republicans like John Heinz, Tom Ridge, Dick Schweiker and Hugh Scott. But people like that have given way to Mitch McConnell and Jeff Sessions. Can't do it anymore.

I support the death penalty with the next of kin pulling the switch, I think teacher strikes and union should be abolished. I think vandals should be taken to the hospital and have temporary paralysis administered to see how it feels to live without arms and legs. Then they'd think twice about defacing anything that doesn't belong to them. I think there should be a work for welfare program and a cap on generational benefits stopping at the second generation. I think there should be a limit on children of a welfare parent at 3 with a spouse or significant other of 2.
So if that's liberal, then I'd like to visit your planet.

As far as ny TV appearances, I have not been left leaning but scrupulously fair in my presentations. That's why I'm asked back.

xpect fireworks at every turn as they seek to sabotage and torpedo the president-elect's efforts to respond to the concerns of those who voted him in.


I have no power to torpedo the President elect's plans. He'll handle that himself.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

Yonki ... Yonki ... Yonki...
Sometimes I love you, sometimes I hate you.
Keep on keepin on!


Will do.

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I am a Liberal in the sense that I favor inclusiveness, fair wages, a chance for people to make advances both economically and socially and think that businesses should not exploit workers."

Note: There is no definition of any of these terms or whether they are deserved via behavior or performance. Without them they are merely "fuzzy" political jargon. He is good at this. Yonk seems to support the government making these decisions by regulation, law, dictate or permission.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for you my faithful readers, here is a fascinating take on the above from the LGBTQ Nation.

Read it. Topic only found on LGBTQ sites. Guess other sites found it equally shallow and unnecessarily vindictive. Angry gay stereotype.

The Gallup polling organization most recently found (May 22, 2015) that less than 4 percent self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. While not to imply that validity of thought is directly proportional to population size I find it difficult to give too much priority to the needs of 1 at the expense of the other 24. I did not say "ignore". We all must balance our approach for the benefit of everyone.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger David Yonki said...

There is no definition of any of these terms or whether they are deserved via behavior or performance.


Inclusiveness: You have a changing demographic. You have a business. You have a market that caters to God forbid people of a different culture or language. Do you hire Stanley from Askam or Juan from Reading? You pick the guy that can communicate with that market.

Deserved via performance or behavior: Stanley took a Spanish class his freshman year in high school. Juan speaks the language. Who deserves the job? Who will perform better in the job?

Liberal doesn't mean a hand out, liberal means giving someone else you might not feel comfortable with because of your own tendencies to perform.

"fuzzy" political jargon. Here's yours, "job creators", "tax breaks for the investors", "self reliance" (except when your house gets flooded or you're too cheap to pay for an EPI PEN) "changing the culture of our country".
Yonk seems to support the government making these decisions by regulation, law, dictate or permission.

Last time I looked the only thing I do is pay taxes for these things. Regulation is for the 10% of the people who screw over everyone else.
You only think things are dictated BECAUSE they are not the way you like them!


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