Monday, May 18, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,295, May 18th, 2020


Today marks the Centennial of Pope John Paul II. He was the first Non-Italian as Pope and only 58 years, as he climbed in 1978, the chair of Peter. He was the first Non-Italian in 455 years. He had a magical attraction, followers admired him for his Charisma. He celebrated fairs with so many of the faithful like no other. As long as he sat hardly on the Pope throne. He traveled tirelessly around the world, 104 foreign trips during his 26-year long pontificate. And he contributed to the Overcoming of the communism in the Eastern bloc countries. In Poland, a Star In his native Poland, he is revered. "We love you!", the crowd chanted for hours with few highlights about the last visit to Krakow in the summer of 2002. The 100. Birthday was commemorated in Poland with many events -but  because of the Corona epidemic most of it was available online only.


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