Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,292, May 13th, 2020


Our 13 Questions logo.

1. Have you ever thought of doing a best of LuLac book?

Yes I have. It’s in a file somewhere on my desk top. Most of the stories I picked are feature historical types. That might be in the future.

2. The President’s valet contracted Covid. Surprised?

No not at all. The guidelines at the White House seem more haphazard than anything else.

3. Any interesting TV watching going on during this lock down?

Not really. I wasted my though on a series on AMC called “Dispatches from Elsewhere”. The show was created by Jason Siegel from “How I Met Your Mother” fame. The whole thing was odd but it sucked you in. The final episode just turned into a validation for what he thought was something creative and groundbreaking.
Most of my cousins and friends have been boning up on “Hogan’s Heroes” and “Wagon Train” episodes which would have been a better use of my time.

4. How about the roof blowing off at City Hall?

Yeah, how ‘bout that.

5. With the June primary coming up do you think it will increase or decrease voter turnout?

Well the mail in ballots will certainly be interesting to watch. But this primary is pretty much a
fait ac·com·pli except for the race in the GOP primary for the 8th Congressional district. On the Democratic side, there is the primary for Auditor General. But I’m all for mail in ballots. The bullshit the state GOP is peddling about voter fraud is a scare tactic and another ridiculous effort to tamp down voting.

6. Will the Rail Riders have a season?

Who knows! The All Star game and Home Run Derby has been cancelled.

7. What were the guns used to kill our 4 Presidents?
John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley. (Photo: Herald & Review)
Lincoln: single-shot Philadelphia Deringer .44 caliber pistol.
Garfield: 44 caliber Bulldog.
McKinley: 32 caliber revolver.
Kennedy: 6.5mm Carcano Model 91/38.
Garfield’s gun's cost was $10.00 and the one that killed Kennedy was ordered from a catalogue and cost $12.00.

8. Do you think that the Coronavirus situation is helping or hurting Tom Wolf’s image?

I’m not sure the Governor has thought much about image in this pandemic. But he is doing a good job. The criticism is coming from people who are itching to get out there. What is disappointing to me are the number of retirees who are collecting SS and pensions, who are in the danger zone and act as if they have places to go. Some of them, not all. Then there are those who are afraid to go anywhere at all. It’s crazy. I think the bottom line here is no one wants to do anything rash. In this thing you have to follow the numbers and the guidelines. That’s what Wolf  is doing.

9. Any thoughts on the GOP red staters saying that the economy needs to be a bigger factor than deaths due to the virus?

It’s funny and sadly ironic. The party that yells loudly about protecting life for babies in the womb suddenly thinks the lives of people walking around are cheap trade offs for a booming economy. And by the way, if the economy was booming so well, then why were so many people living paycheck to paycheck.

10. Chris Cuomo, CNN star or just a bloviater?

CNN star.

11. Are you digging this cold spring?

Not at all but if it’s a trade off of  no snow in the winter, I’ll live with it.

12. Is the NAACP Diversity picnic on for this year?

Nope, been cancelled due to the Covid situation.

13. Happy Blogaversary. What’s your secret in being there everyday?

Maybe it’s because I don’t know any better? There's no dearth of news. Consistency is the key. Thanks for your ind words though.


At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite feature of LuLac. Good health to you and keep on doing what you do best.



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