Friday, September 17, 2010

The LuLac Edition #1302, Sept. 17th, 2010



Maybe I'm Amazed.....that people are amazed at the political strength of Sarah Palin. The woman is certainly an attention getter as well as a draw on the campaign trail. She has become the candidate of the new millennium. Palin is the candidate of the short attention span voter. And in a way, using her words here that it would be a “hoot” if she, and not Hillary Clinton became the first woman President.
Maybe I’m Amazed.... that Pittston City has such god awful roads. Leaving the Blog meeting on Friday night, I tried going up Broad Street. My God the roads in “Baghdad were in better shape after the bombing started in that country.
Maybe I’m Amazed......that Tom Ridge former Governor and head of Homeland Security is pulling down $900,000 a year from the oil and gas drillers. The guy who ran as Mr. Clean in the 1994 GOP primary for Governor has become “Mr. Cleanup”.
Maybe I’m Amazed....... that next year in the Luzerne County Judicial race there might be as many as 35 plus candidates. I base that on the fact that in 2009 there were 17.


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