The LuLac Edition #1308, Sept. 23rd, 2010

Carl Romanelli, the Pennsylvania Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in 2006, has been under court order to pay his Democratic Party challengers approximately $80,000 in court costs, for almost four years now. This is because Romanelli’s petition was found not to have enough valid signatures, and Pennsylvania procedure says when a petition is found to lack enough valid signatures, the candidate must pay court costs. However, the 2006 Democratic Party challengers used state resources and state employees (on government time) to challenge the 2006 petition, something that was not known until 2007.
On July 14, 2010, Romanelli had filed a federal lawsuit in Harrisburg, against the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and some of the people who challenged his petition. The defendant Pennsylvania Democratic Party did not answer the complaint, and the legal deadline for the party’s answer has now passed. On September 22, Romanelli asked for a default judgment against the party. The case is Romanelli v DeWeese, 3:10-cv-1434, middle district.
You know I am a landmark/benchmark kind of guy. The 6 month anniversary of the passage of health care reform is a giant step in American history. Because on this day some of the much needed reforms kick in. It is still not enough. There should be a Medicare type public option that will be fair to all patients, people and health care professionals, primarily doctors. If you’d hear the comments of the “Say No” GOP and the Tea Party people, you’d think this was the worst thing in the world. It is not. But the triumph of ignorance and fear sabotaged the health care debate right from the start. These are baby steps, it is the 6 month anniversary of a very good socio-economic achievement. But it should be more, not less.
On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. The landmark new law will put into place comprehensive health insurance reforms that will hold insurance companies accountable, lower health care costs, guarantee more health care choices, and enhance the quality of health care for all Americans. Yesterday President Obama marked the six month anniversary of the law’s enactment by meeting with Americans from across the country who will benefit from the new law and celebrate the implementation of the Patient’s Bill of Rights that was included in the Affordable Care Act. Additionally, the Administration will release state-by-state reports detailing the impact of the Affordable Care Act and a revamped website. Some of the participants whose stories are highlighted on the new website will include:
Dawn Josephson, Dawn Josephson from Jacksonville, FL, who can now live with the security of knowing that her new insurance policy can’t exclude coverage for young her son who recently had eye surgery.
Gail M. O’Brien from Keene, NH who was previously uninsured and diagnosed with high grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Gail is enrolled in the new Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan that will pay for her treatments and is responding very well.
Details on the Patient’s Bill of Rights and examples of how the Administration has already delivered benefits of the Affordable Care Act to the American people are included below.
A New Patient’s Bill of Rights
On September 23, critical new consumer protections in the new law – a Patient’s Bill of Rights -- begin to take effect. The Patient’s Bill of Rights puts an end to some of the worst insurance company abuses, and puts consumers, not insurance companies, in control of their health care. These new protections include:
Ban on Discriminating Against Kids with Pre-Existing Conditions:
Before reform, tens of the thousands of families had been denied insurance each year for their children because of an illness or condition. Starting September 23rd, plans cannot discriminate against kids with pre-existing conditions. In 2014, no one seeking coverage can be discriminated against because of a preexisting condition. Up to 72,000 uninsured children are expected to gain coverage by banning insurers from refusing them coverage due to a pre-existing condition. Coverage for up to 90,000 children will no longer exclude benefits because of a pre-existing condition.
Ban on Insurance Companies Dropping Coverage:
Before reform, insurance companies could cancel your coverage when you got sick and needed it most because of a simple mistake on your application. Starting September 23rd, insurance companies are banned from cutting off your coverage due to an unintentional mistake on your application. Approximately 10,700 people’s coverage, whose coverage is dropped each year because they get sick or make a technical mistake on their application, will be protected under the new law.
Ban on Insurance Companies Limiting Coverage:
Before reform, cancer patients and individuals suffering from other serious and chronic diseases were often forced to limit or go without treatment because of an insurer’s lifetime limit on their coverage. Starting September 23rd, insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime limit on the amount of coverage they provide, so families can live with the security of knowing that their coverage will be there when they need it most. Up to 20,400 people who typically hit their lifetime limits on the dollar amount that can be spent on coverage, along with the nearly 102 million enrollees who have policies with lifetime limits, will no longer have to worry about hitting their benefits caps. The use of annual dollar limits will be restricted, and in 2014will be banned completely. By 2013, up to 3,500 people will gain coverage as a result of the ban on annual limits that insurers impose on nearly 18 million people today.
Ban on Insurance Companies Limiting Choice of Doctors:
Before reform, insurance companies could decide which doctor you could go to. Starting September 23rd, if you purchase or join a new plan you have the right to choose your own doctor in your insurer network. Up to 88 million people will benefit from the provision that protects primary care provider choice by 2013.
Ban on Insurance Companies Restricting Emergency Room Care:
Before reform, insurance companies could limit which emergency room you could go to or charge you more if you went out of network. Starting September 23rd, if you purchase or join a new plan, those plans are banned from charging more for emergency services obtained out of network. Up to 88 million people will benefit from this provision.
Guarantee You a Right to Appeal:
Before reform, when insurers denied you coverage or restricted your treatment, you were left with few options to appeal. Starting September 23rd, if you purchase or join a new policy, you will be guaranteed the right to appeal insurance company decisions to an independent third party. Up to 88 million people will benefit from the new appeals process provisions by 2013.
Covering Young Adults on Parent’s Plan:
Starting September 23rd, young adults will be allowed to remain on their parent’s plan until their 26th birthday, unless they are offered coverage at work. Up to 2.4 million young adults, up to 1.8 million who are uninsured and nearly 600,000 who purchase coverage in the individual market, could gain coverage through their parents.
Covering Preventive Care With No Cost:
Starting September 23rd, if you join or purchase a new plan, you will receive recommended preventive care with no out-of-pocket cost. Services like mammograms, colonoscopies, immunizations, pre-natal and new baby care will be covered and insurance companies will be prohibited from charging deductibles, co-payments or co-insurance. Up to 88 million people will have access to preventive care with no out of pocket costs.
Six Months of Progress
In addition to implementing the Patient’s Bill of Rights, the Obama Administration has worked to deliver other benefits of reform to the American people. In the last six months, the Administration has:
Fought Waste, Fraud and Abuse: The Affordable Care Act includes robust new tools that will help fight fraud and protect taxpayer dollars. Using these new tools, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has pledged to cut Medicare’s error rate (the percentage of claims paid inappropriately) in half by 2012. A proposed regulation that implements the first round of Affordable Care Act policies to combat Medicare and Medicaid fraud was issued on September 17.
Helped Fight Premium Increases: The Affordable Care Act also includes critical new resources and authorities to crack down on unjustified rate hikes. Today, 46 states are using resources under the new reform law to pass or strengthen premium rate review laws which will have a significant impact on keeping year-to-year increases in premiums low. In a number of states (California, Massachusetts, Maine) regulators have already reviewed and rejected these proposed increases. We expect this pattern to continue. The Administration has also been working on rules that require insurance companies to spend at least 80 percent of premium dollars on health care instead of overhead, salaries or administrative expenses, in 2011. If they fail to do so, they will be required to provide rebates to consumers. THIS MIGHT MEAN NO MORE 70 MILLION DOLLAR SURPLUSES FROM THE BLUES!!!!!!!!!
Offered Support for Small Businesses: Under the Affordable Care Act, up to 4 million small businesses nationwide could qualify for a small business tax credit this year, which will provide a total of $40 billion in relief for small firms over the next 10 years. Small businesses have been notified of these tax credits and can make plans knowing the credits will help bring down their health care costs.
Helped Make Prescription Drugs More Affordable: More than 1 million seniors who have fallen into the prescription drug coverage gap known as the donut hole have received $250 rebate checks. The checks are the first step toward closing the donut hole in 2020.
Launched a New Website to Make it Easier to Find Coverage: On July 1, the Administration launched is a new, easy to use website that helps consumers take control of their health care and make the choices that are right for them by putting the power of information at their fingertips. The website is the first of its kind to bring information and links to health insurance plans and other coverage options to one place, making it easier for consumers to learn about their insurance options. The site includes extensive, easy to understand information about patients’ rights, how to navigate the current insurance market, and how the Affordable Care Act will help them. A Spanish language version – – was launched on September 8, and additional pricing information will be added on October 1.
Started Covering Individuals With Pre-Existing Conditions: On July 1, the Administration announced the establishment of the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Program to provide coverage for eligible Americans who have been uninsured for six months because of a pre-existing condition. Coverage started in 47 states by August, and will be provided in all states by the end of September.
Provided Employers Support to Cover Early Retirees: On August 31, the Administration announced that over 2,000 employers and unions across all fifty states had been approved to receive help to pay for their early retirees’ health care through the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program. This program will help many older Americans, who are not yet eligible for Medicare, continue to have quality affordable coverage through their employer.
You’ll hear all kind of crap from the right wing Republicans about how this is going to bankrupt our grandchildren’s future, how it is going to provide a free lunch to unworthy people and my oh my wherever are we gong to get the money to pay for it! You’ll get the money to pay for it from the same place you got it from when you funded a pointless 30 billion dollar a month war in Iraq which did nothing but assassinate nearly 5,000 American soldiers.
Rick Arnold, candidate for state representative in Pennsylvania’s 119th district, will hold the South Valley Mixer on Sunday, September 26th at Alden Manor in Nanticoke. Residents of the 119th will have an opportunity to spend an afternoon with Mr. Arnold and discuss with him important issues facing the district and the state as this crucial election day for Pennsylvania approaches. Attendance for the event will be limited, so anyone interested in joining Mr. Arnold is asked to call (570) 868-7340 to make reservations. The event will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 26th at Alden Manor. Alden Manor is located on Middle Road in Nanticoke between Old Mountain Road and Lee Mine Avenue. Cost of attendance is $35.00 per person for unlimited food, beer, wine, and beverages. Menu items include pasta, chicken, stuffed mushrooms, and cheese steaks.
To learn more about Rick Arnold’s candidacy for state representative please visit The 119th District includes Edwardsville, Fairview Township, Larksville, Laurel Run, Nanticoke, Newport Township, Plymouth, Plymouth Township, Rice Township, Slocum Township, Sugar Notch and Warrior Run and sections of Bear Creek, Hanover and Wright townships.
About Rick Arnold:Rick Arnold is a business owner and community leader running for the 119th District seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. He is a dedicated husband and father who will bring common sense, traditional values to Harrisburg as a representative of the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania. For more information on this press release, please contact Dan Salvaterra at 570-822-4300.
Two October dates are set for debates between Democrat candidate John Blake and Republican candidate Frank Scavo. Both are in contention for the State Senate seat of Robert Mellow, District 22.
The first debate, sponsored by the League of Women voters of Lackawanna County, will be held on Tuesday, October 12Th at 7:00 pm in the Pearn Auditorium (2ND floor) in the University of Scranton's Brennan Hall on Madison avenue. This will be a taped interview and air on ECTV. The second debate, sponsored by WVIA, TV 44, is Tuesday, October 26Th at 7:00 PM. The debate will be held at the WVIA TV 44 studios and air live the same night. Seating is available for this live debate and can be reserved by calling the candidates or WV IA prior to the debate date. "I applaud the League of Women Voters of Lackawanna county and WVIA TV for offering their forums for this critical election. I also believe the two debates will show the sharp distinction between the Harrisburg insider mindset versus that of the non governmental, private sector conservative approach to government. With recent defeats of the establishment candidates, the outlook for change here in Northeast Pennsylvania is at a peak, and the best it has ever been" stated candidate Scavo.
Join the Luzerne County GOP this Sunday afternoon by attending the Luzerne County Republicans Tailgate party. 6th District Tailgate Party Sunday, September 26 at 1:00pm, Location: GOP Headquarters, 41 S. Main St. Ste. 14, Wilkes-Barre.
President Johnson and Vice President Humphrey campaign furiously for Democrats in the mid term elections. The duo just two years from their landslide target states like California where incumbent Pat Brown tries to stave off Ronald Reagan in the Governor’s race and in Illinois where incumbent Paul Douglas faced off against Charles Percy……in Pennsylvania news reports still circulate over the big news in Erie during the summer. A film crew visits the town and starts to research a movie about what the residents saw. As reported five credible witnesses saw a UFO and one of its passengers on Presque Isle Park. Two women clearly saw a strange being. John Keel, respected paranormalist, investigated. The summer of 1966 was a strange one for some Erie residents. Eight gave descriptions of the alien beings they saw. People reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky. Something was eerie in Erie, the city of the canal folk song fame. Sadly a movie never was Scranton Mayor Jim Walsh gives Pennsylvania candidate for Governor Milton Shapp a tour of the town. Shapp's defeated primary rival, Robert P. Casey Senior joins them during the one day event and 44 years ago the number 1 song in America and LuLac was the 4 Seasons "I've Got You Under My Skin".
Sorry, but I cannot join in any celebration for the bizarre non-reforming health care law.
Sadly, six months after ObamaCare was passed, nothing has happened that would reduce the cost of health care for anyone who had insurance beforehand.
Indeed, since all those of us who played by the rules and bought our health care are paying for all these wonderful new mandates for the un-insured - our rates will continue to go up.
Economics 101. More usage yields higher costs.
If there was any benefit for the existing health insurance payor, the Democrats have done a crappy job explaining it - or showing how any of this will be paid for except by higher premiums for those who pay.
Of course, those whose premiums are paid by the taxpayer wouldn't notice any financial disconnect.
Didn't see any Federal programs ended to fund any of this - did you?
Sorry if I don't join in the six-month celebration for ObamaCare.
Anyone who already had health insurance was screwed royally. Nothing was done that would reduce existing premiums through pooling or cost savings.
Indeed, all these "wonderful" new mandates from the Federal government are not funded.
Economics 101 - New Mandates yield Higher Usage, the cost of which is recovered by Higher Premiums.
Those who have their premiums paid by the taxpayer could care less.
Those whose premiums are paid by their private employer will wonder why wages and benefits are trimmed.
Those who actually pay those health insurance bills know that this political grandstanding accomplished absolutely nothing to reform our health system and create less expensive health care options.
If there was something that benefited the actual premium payor in that multi-thousand page bill, the Democrats have done a crappy job explaining it.
Oh, the Secretary of Health wants to punish insurance companies that point out the new mandates yield rate increases. Not allowed to say the Emperor has no clothes.
No joy in Mudville.
What Four Seasons are those? Who are those guys? Only one looks familiar to me.
Great Song, Great rendition.
Meanwhile '66 bores on...
I heard some doctor on Corbett yesterday mention a medicare for all, but he never mentioned how to pay for it. Didn't you have an interviewee mention something similiar a while ago? if I remember correctly he had a way to pay for it also. I can't remember much else about it, do yuo?
Health Care is a Human Right?
I can find life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
Can't seem to find health care anywhere.
We have access to health care, if that's what you mean.
What is the concomitant responsibility? There must always be a concomitant responsibility.
What Four Seasons are those? Who are those guys? Only one looks familiar to me.
Great Song, Great rendition.
Meanwhile '66 bores on...
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