The LuLac Edition #1316, Sept. 30th, 2010

Chris Carney has to be the luckiest Congressman in America. He first won election in 2006 against Don Sherwood who was accused of having an affair with someone half his age. Some guys I know would have thought that was a good thing and worthy of a vote. But when you are accused of knocking them around, then that's another matter. Then in 2008 Carney runs against Chris Hackett who had a bruising primary with Dan Muesser. Now in 2010, he is facing Tom Marino who has had a connection with Louis DeNaples. Everybody has a connection to Mr. DeNaples but its how they handle it is they key to social and political survival. Marino has failed miserably in handling the issue. Carney, despite hundreds of thousands of dollars in negative ads spent against him still is doing well. If he prevails, it will be because of his good record but partly because of good luck.
The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is endorsing Paul Kanjorski for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District. "The NRA-PVF is endorsing Paul Kanjorski because he has defended the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in Pennsylvania and across America," said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF. As a member of Congress, Kanjorski has demonstrated his commitment to our Second Amendment rights by voting for legislation to allow permit holders to carry and transport firearms for self-defense in national parks and wildlife refuges, as well as voting for legislation to restore self-defense rights in our nation's capital. He signed the pro-gun congressional amicus brief to the Supreme Court supporting our individual right to keep and bear arms in the Heller case and signed the pro-gun congressional amicus brief that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that protects all Americans in the McDonald case. Kanjorski also cosponsored legislation to force much-needed reform at the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
In addition, Kanjorski voted for the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which prevents attempts to bankrupt the American gun industry through bogus lawsuits, and signed a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder opposing the reenactment of the failed Clinton gun ban. He also voted for the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act that prohibits gun confiscation during states of emergency as happened after Hurricane Katrina. Paul Kanjorski's commitment to preserving our right to keep and bear arms has earned him an "A" rating and the endorsement of the NRA-PVF."On November 2, I urge all Pennsylvania NRA Members and gun owners in the 11th District to vote Paul Kanjorski for Congress," Cox concluded.Chris W. Cox is NRA's chief lobbyist. He also serves as chairman of NRA-PVF. The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund is responsible for political candidate rankings. These are based on candidate voting records, public statements and responses to NRA-PVF questionnaires.
22nd District Senatorial candidate Frank Scavo also got the nod of the NRA. The emerging Scavo candidacy issued this statement: " I am extremely honored and proud to have the NRA A "Q" endorsement from the National Rifle Association. The NRA recognizes my commitment to the Second amendment of the United States Constitution and our clear right to keep and bear arms. In our God given right of self defense, it is the ownership of firearms that guarantees the continued freedom of "We the People" in these Untied States."
"The high value NRA endorsement is a big boost and clearly defines my pro freedom, pro constitutional stand in this PA Senate campaign. I will fight any erosion of our Second amendment rights and work to preserve these rights and all other constitutional rights for us and our posterity. I believe this endorsement makes the voting decision in November easier and crystal clear. "
NRA endorsements are not always given in a race. I will be joining Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President, Chris Cox, NRA National Director and Senate candidate Pat Toomey at the Ramada Inn, Rt 6, Clark Summit Pa on Tuesday 10/28/2010 for a Pat Toomey rally. Doors open at 11:45 and event starts at 12:15.
Lou Barletta, candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 11th District, accepted the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee, one of the nation’s leading pro-life groups. “You are a strong advocate for life: you support pro-life legislation and you oppose the use of federal funding for elective abortion. We look forward to working with you to restore legal protection for innocent life – unborn children and medically disabled or dependent persons whose lives are threatened by abortion or euthanasia,” wrote David N. O’Steen, NRLC executive director, and Karen A. Cross, NRLC political director. The group noted 26-year incumbent Paul Kanjorski’s vote to allow the government takeover of health care in making its decision to endorse Lou Barletta: “Recently your opponent, Congressman Paul Kanjorski, voted to enact President Obama’s health care legislation, which will provide government funding for health plans that pay for abortion on demand, and promote the rationing of lifesaving medical treatments. Your support is needed to reverse the pro-abortion and rationing effects of that health care legislation.” The NRLC wrote of Kanjorski’s vote for the healthcare bill, “A lawmaker who votes for this bill is voting to require federal agencies to subsidize and administer health plans that will pay for elective abortion, and voting to undermine longstanding pro-life policies in other ways as well. ... The executive order promised by President Obama was issued for political effect. It changes nothing. It does not correct any of the serious pro-abortion provisions in the bill. The president cannot amend a bill by issuing an order, and the federal courts will enforce what the law says.” Kanjorski also earns a 50-percent rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), a pro-abortion group. This rating means he votes against pro-life measures every other time they come up for a vote.“I am pro-life, so receiving this endorsement from the National Right to Life Political Action Committee makes me extremely proud. Innocent life should be protected at every stage of development. I support the restoration of legal protection for innocent human life. The health care bill was absolutely devastating to pro-life groups and causes, and Congressman Kanjorski should be ashamed that he voted for it. If elected, I will fight to protect innocent life and reverse the pro-abortion effects of the government takeover of health care,” Lou Barletta
Sam Bianco died the other day of cancer. He was a major player in the local labor and social services scene. He was also a stalwart political partner of the Democratic Party in Luzerne County. I first met him in 1968 when I was helping to campaign for Hubert Humphrey. Through the years Bianco’s and my path crossed with various political campaigns, social events and also when I worked for the United Way of Wyoming Valley. I last saw Sam last fall when WVIA TV’s “State of Pennsylvania” had a program dedicated to the new health care reform bill. Bianco stood up to ask a short question but then began to engage the host Bill Kelly as well as the panel. 5 minutes later…………………that’s how Sam was. He made his point clearly but just in case you missed it, he repeated it. Sam lost a battle with cancer. His commitment to the middle class, social services and of course labor will be remembered and appreciated for a very long time. Here’s his obituary:
Samuel J. Bianco, 88, of Vandling, Pa., died Tuesday, September 28, 2010. His wife is Clara Golecki Bianco. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary June 10. Born February 17, 1922, in Vandling, he was a son of the late Louis and Angeline Ferraro Bianco. He was a graduate of Vandling High School and a member of the Roman Catholic Community of Forest City, Pa. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II in the Tank Corps and a recipient of the Purple Heart. Samuel was a member of the VFW and the American Legion. He was also a member of Elkview Country Club. Sam was currently president of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Labor Council (AFL-CIO) and the Alliance for Retired Americans District 3. He was presently serving as Chair of the Labor Participation Committee; Board Member, and Finance Committee for The United Way of Wyoming Valley. He was a present board member of United Rehabilitation Services and the Lackawanna County Board of Assistance. Sam was currently a co-chairman for the NEPA Area Labor Management Council and a committee member for PA AFL-CIO Community Services Committee. Sam was a past Pennsylvania Delegate for the White House Conference on Aging, and he served previous board positions for the Lackawanna County River Basin Sewer Authority, St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen, Wilkes University Continuing Education, Blue Cross of NEPA, American Red Cross Wyoming Valley Chapter, and the Forest City Regional School District. He was a past State Vice President for Pa. Alliance for Retired Americans and a past district manager for the International Garment Workers Union of Pittston and Wilkes-Barre. As president of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Labor council, the council under his leadership was the recipient of the "United Way of Wyoming Valley's Labor Award" in 1990, "Pa. AFL-CIO Boyer-Uehlein Community Service Award" in 1990 and 2000, the "National AFL-CIO Model City in Community Service Award" in 1998, and the "United Way of America's Joseph A. Beirne Community Service Award" in 2007.
Governor Ed Rendell named a successor to Bob Reilly the other day. With the urging of Senator Lisa Baker, Governor Rendell, notorious for not filling unexpired terms of any kind nominated Will Conyingman of Dallas. Conyingham is a Democrat and ran for the seat held by George Hasay a few years back. News of his appointment brought a great deal of relief because Conyingham for all of his political leanings can never be classified as a hack. Conyingham has been involved in the family business the Trucksville Hillside Farms property. It was made over to the non-profit Lands at Hillside Farms board in 2005. Conyngham also helped start a successful ice cream business and store at the farm in 1977. Conyingham will serve out the term until 2011. No word on what will happen to that office due to the Home Rule Vote and also no word if the new officer holder is going to issue a mandatory dress code of bow ties for the male office staff.
Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton found the Black Panther Party.......The Toyota Corolla car introduced………………….in Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton defends his record against Democratic candidate Milton Shapp. Scranton insists that the election of his Lt. Governor Raymond Broderick will continue the upward climb the state of Pennsylvania is headed…..and in Lackawanna County Commissioner Edward Zipay and Patrick Mellody make it crystal clear they are going to run for another term when the 1967 primaries roll along and 44 years ago this week the number 1 song in LuLac land and America was “96 Tears” by Question Mark and the Mysterians. The lead singer of the band actually had his name legally changed to “Question Mark.” He was the one hit wonder formerly known as Rudy Martinez.